Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
Теги реферата: реферати українською, заболевания реферат
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- Well, now let us talk about painting. Are you fond of painting?
- To me painting is second only to music. I take a special liking to masters' masterpieces. I have several albums with the greatest Russian and West European paintings.
- Which painting do you prefer Russian or West European?
- It is almost impossible to say which painting I prefer Russian or West European. Each of them has its own peculiarities. I like the colour of Andrew Rublev's masterpieces and I enjoy the Impressionists works of art. I am also fond of the "Little masters'" works of art. But most of all I admire Giotto. He is regarded the founder of modern painting. Giotto introduced perspective, three dimensional forms, landscape background, one scale for the people and another for the surroundings, light without indication of source and foreshortening in perspective. 1 also like the art works created by the Russian painters - members of the "World of Art" group, such as Aleksandr Benois, Yevgeny Lansere, Konstantin Somov, Bakst.
- What was the goal of the painters of the "World of Art" group?
- They strove to achieve a synthesis of new western European trends and certain elements of traditional Russian folk art. They attacked the artistic standards of the realist painters, the deadening influence of the Russian Academy of Arts, and emphasized individualism and artistic personality.
- Whose works of art of the painters of the "World of An" group do you like most?
- I like the works created by Konstantin Somov. He was a painter and graphic artist. Somov attended the St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Art from 1888 to 1897, then he went to Paris to attend the studios of Filippo Colarossi and Whistler. Neither the Realism of the Russian teachers nor the fleeting quality of Whistler's art was reflected for long in Somov's work. Somov was associated with the "World of Art" Journal from 1898. He concentrated on the subjects from the eighteenth century. In the "Lady in Blue", of 1897-1900, an oil portrait of the artist Yelizaveta Martynova, the outmoded dress of the figure in the foreground, and the park-like setting creates the atmosphere of a reverie. Somov's paintings are characterized by a melancholy nostalgia in line with the gallant age of Watteau. The artist shared his moods with the symbolism.
- Do you like the works of art of other Russian painters?
- Yes, do. I like Karl Bryullov's works of art.
- What can you tell us about Karl Bryullov's paintings?
- Karl Bryullov is celebrated for the unusual breadth of his artistic talent. He was a perfect historical painter, portraitist, and genre painter. He made the most notable contribution to the Ro mantic spirit having combined technical proficiency and classical academic training with a Romantic impulsiveness to produce some of the liveliest examples of Russian art of the period.
- Where did Karl Bryullov study?
- Bryullov was educated at the St Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts. He studied in Italy from 1823.
- What is Bryullov's greatest work?
- Bryullov's monumental painting the "Last Day of Pompeii" is his greatest work. It brought him an international reputation. Russia greeted him as a hero who had glorified the Motherland. Alexander Pushkin, Vassily Zhukovsky and Nikolay Gogol all warmly welcomed the artist.
- Were Bryullov's other paintings also popular?
- Though he painted other monumental historical canvases, none was as successful as the "Last Day of Pompeii". Much of his reputation rests on his more intimate portraits, water-colours, and travel sketches. Bryullov succeeded in asserting something new in everything he created. During his long stay in Italy he was charmed by the life and customs of the Italians, their humour and lyricism. In Italy Bryullov created a series of small genre paintings.
- Is Karl Bryullov your favourite Russian painter?
- Karl Bryullov is one of my favourite Russian painters.
- Whose works art do you also admire?
- I am fond of genre scenes. I like Pavel Fedotov's works of art very much. He was a great master of genre painting. The painter elevated the household theme to the level of drama. He understood his task in raising the moral standards of the people by unmasking the vices of the society in his art. Fedotov was a prolific painter. For nine years he created a great number of perfect works of art, such as "A Newly Awarded Officer", "The Fastidious Bride", "The Aristocrat's Breakfast", two versions of the "Mayor's Proposal", three versions of "The Young Widow", "Encore, Once more Encore", "The Gamblers". The movement initiated by Fedotov soon became known as Critical Realism. It laid the foundation for the democratic painting of the "Wanderers" in the second half of the 19-th century.
- What do you know about the "Wanderers"?
- A truly national realistic tradition began with the appearance of the "Wanderers". Kramskoy organized a protest against prescribed mythological themes in the competition for the Great Gold Medal that gave a six-year scholarship to study abroad. This action marked a break with the Academy's outdated form of Neoclassicism patterned on Western models which lost popularity with the educated public but continued to be taught and favoured at the official level. After the break with the Academy Kramskoy sustained a group of thirteen independent painters both organizationally and intellectually in keeping with the spirit of the reform and renovation that swept Russia during the 1860s after the emancipation of the serfs. He set up a communal workshop (artel), the "Wanderers". At the same time Kramskoy defined ideological underpinnings of the new art: a combination of civic, moral and national goals, which infused Russian realism with its crystal-clear ideal of service. He asserted that as painters in Russia were not free they had to take the most urgent problems of the day as the subjects of their works of art. The most prominent Russian artists of the 1870s and '80s, including Ivan Kramskoy, Il'ya Repin, Vassily Surikov, Vassily Perov, and Vassily Vereshchagin, belonged to this group. The "Wanderers" attached much importance to the moral and literary aspects of art than to aesthetics. Their artistic creed was realism, national feeling, and social consciousness. The influence of the "Wanderers" spread throughout Russia. This group was dominant for nearly 30 years.
- Can you tell us about one of the painters who sympathized with the "Wanderers"?
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