Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
Теги реферата: титульный лист доклада, сочинение базаров
Добавил(а) на сайт: Uksjuzov.
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The Sydney Harbour Bridge took seven years to build and was opened in 1932.
. The steel used for the bridge weights over 52,800 tonnes.
. There are over 6 million steel rivets in the bridge.
. It took till 1988 to finally pay off the cost of building the bridge.
. It takes 30,00 0 lifers of paint to paint the bridge.
The Aboriginal people lived around the area that is now Sydney for
thousands of years before the first european settlers arrived in the
The area that is now Sydney was named Port Jackson by captain James Cook
when he visited the east coast of Australia in 1770. Port Jackson was
selected by Captain Arthur Phillip as the most suitable site for the first
european settlement in Australia in 1788. He named the place after the
British Prime Minister at the time: Lord Sydney.
The colony faced many hardships and near starvation trying to grow crops in
this new land. After the initial difficulties however the colony grew
rapidly as new migrates arrived in larger numbers.
Скачали данный реферат: Ильин, Rusnak, Горчаков, Jasenev, Осип, Chuchanov, Gonesta, Anan'ev.
Последние просмотренные рефераты на тему: товар реферат, понятие культуры, доклад по физкультуре, шпори.
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