Еducation in Australia
Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
Теги реферата: контрольная работа 10 класс, сочинения по русскому языку
Добавил(а) на сайт: Jernesta.
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Еducation in Australia
Australian Graduate
Studying in Australia offers international students more than academic achievement and a globally recognised qualification. It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience through which a student can develop independence, maturity, an understanding of other cultures, and the ability to see issues from different perspectives.
Study in Australia better prepares a student to work in today’s global marketplace.
This is why several foreign companies recruit directly from Australian universities and vocational institutes. Many international organisations and companies employ overseas students with Australian qualifications because their exposure to the outside world gives them greater independence and maturity. With international trade barriers disappearing, great opportunities exist for those with the skills, experience and knowledge to seize them.
In Australia, international students can gain this experience in a safe, friendly environment and at an affordable cost.
IDP Education Australia is Australia’s leading international education and development organisation. IDP gives students unbiased, comprehensive information to help them choose the right course, the right institution and the right location for their individual professional and personal needs. IDP is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that represents more than 1,000 Australian institutions including universities, TAFE and vocational education institutes, business and special studies colleges, English language colleges, and schools.
IDP has been helping international students for more than 30 years. It has some 70 offices globally with activities in 50 countries. Trained counsellors provide support and advice to students in local languages.
Education in Australia
Australia is the third most popular study destination in the English-speaking world, with more than 200,000 international students in Australian institutions across all education sectors: higher education, vocational education and training, English Language colleges, and schools.
The Australian government invests billions of dollars each year in developing Australian education and in university research.
Australian institutions have an international focus within their courses and activities. They exchange staff with institutions overseas, participate in international forums, and have partnerships and joint projects with overseas institutions and international research centres.
Australia’s universities have made important breakthroughs in modern technology and science while Australia’s vocational training system, which is based on industry standards, is used as a model for other Asia-Pacific countries.
There are universities in all major Australian cities and throughout regional areas of the country ranging in size from around 3,000 students to 50,000 students. About 20 percent of students enrolled in Australian universities are from overseas.
Many international students also study in vocational education and training colleges and institutes across Australia. These institutes offer qualifications that recognised in the workplace.
International students in Australia also study English language through courses offered by private organisations, universities and governments; in foundation courses to prepare them for university study; and within Australian schools.
The Australian Government ensures the quality of Australian institutions and courses in a number of ways. Institutions must be accredited and courses offered to international students must be approved and listed on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). Qualifications offered to students must fit the Australian Qualifications Framework.
National agencies, including the Australian University Quality Agency and the Australian National Training Authority, monitor Australian education institutions including their teaching, learning, administration and research.
Australian institutions develop the creative, analytical and lateral thinking skills of students, and encourage individuality. The Australian education system also encourages responsibility and maturity in students. Students take an active part in their own education and are expected to supplement classroom studies with independent study in libraries, at home and in teams with other students.
The staff at Australian institutions are also very experienced in helping students from other countries, and there are well-established support systems in place for international students.
IDP Education Australia
As Australia’s leading international education and development organisation, IDP is recognised globally as a first-choice partner in education and development. In those countries where IDP has offices, one in every five students who choose to come to Australia utilises the services of IDP. Wherever in the world Australia is the first choice destination for an international educational experience, IDP is the first choice for students who are seeking advice and assistance.
IDP’s counsellors guide students, as well as their family and friends, through the entire process of studying in Australia. IDP helps with everything from selecting a course and institution to ensuring students arrive safely in Australia at their chosen destination. Many of IDP’s counsellors have studied in Australia, or visited institutions, and can give practical advice about studies and life ‘down under’.
IDP offices have internet access and CD-ROM resources, course directories, free publications about student life in Australia and study options. Offices also provide handbooks and brochures from Australian institutions and audio-visual resources to show students what Australia is really like.
IDP’s trained counsellors can:
Provide comprehensive information on the Australian education system
Give personalised counselling on study options
Communicate with Australian institutions on the student’s behalf
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