How Many Physical Constants are Truly Fundamental?
Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
Теги реферата: реферат на тему україна, реферат почему
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The graphic image of the topological formula of a proton represents treelike fractal design. The process of formation of a proton is realized as a result of the consecutive acts of energy saturation of vacuum [2, 3, 4]. The internal structure of a proton is formed by system of consecutive enclosures based on uniform algorithm. On each step of genesis of structure of a proton the fractal substructure repeats fractal of the previous step of structurization. The research of fractal of a proton shows that the internal structure of a proton has brightly expressed quantization and hierarchy structure. In this hierarchy each subsystem is created on the same image: each bigger part of structure in accuracy repeats a smaller part of structure. Thus spatial arrangement at formation of internal structure of a proton is displaied. According to the formulas (4), (6), (7) there is a hierarchical discrete series of internal levels of energy of a proton. Proceeding from the law of preservation of energy, it is visible, that for internal structure of a proton the hierarchy of characteristic frequencies is taking place. As a result, spatial arrangement exists alongside with temporary arrangement. For internal structure of a proton each part of the higher order is constructed by means of unification of two structures of the lower order.
It results in the special grid of characteristic of internal frequencies being created by a principle of DOUBLING of the period.
It is demonstrated by the topological formula of a proton (7). Recursive algorithm is applicable for discribing of dynamics of genesis of structure of a proton and topological formula of a proton in language of algorithms [9]. Recurcity is copying small in large and large in small, keeping a uniform principle of construction of structure of a proton. The formulas of genesis of structure of elementary particles and topological formula of a proton have allowed to receive by theoretical calculation a fundamental constant mp/me, that specifies experimental confirmation of the theory [5, 7, 8, 10].
Besides of, these formulas have allowed to find the mechanism crucial for steadiness of a proton, that opens new methods of receiving of energy. It will be shown below.
ENERGY OF VACUUM AND ENERGY OF A PROTONIn the quantum theory is proved, that the minimal possible energy of oscillator cannot be less than 0.5hl (6). These halves at a wide range of waves give very high level of energy of vacuum. It, so-called, zero - point energy of electromagnetic fluctuations. Experimentally energy of vacuum is observed in Lemba-Ryzerford effect and in Kazimir effect. Density of energy of vacuum is defined by relation (6) :
where: h -Planck`s constant, a - coefficient, h - frequency .
From here follows, that the energy of vacuum can be very large. According to R. Feynman and G. Whiller, the energy potential of vacuum is so huge, that " in vacuum enclosed in volume of an ordinary electrical bulb, energy such plenty, that it would suffice to boil all oceans on the Earth ".
However, due to high symmetry of vacuum, the direct access to this energy is very inconvenient. As a result, being found, in essence, among ocean of energy, the mankind is compelled to use only traditional methods of receiving of energy based on burning natural energy carriers.
Nevertheless, at infringement of symmetry of vacuum the access to ocean of energy is possible.
The modern methods of receiving of energy can schematically be presented as:
C + O2 CO2
+ 0,0046 MeV,
235U 0,85 MeV /
nucleon + radioactive waste,
D + T 4He + 17,6 MeV .
When analysing these methods of receiving of energy, it is possible to see, that a final product in circuit of power transformations is the substance. And, this final substance becomes, as a rule, more dangerous to biosphere, than initial energy carriar. The world already get used to an idea, that for receiving of energy is necessary to have an effect on substance and at a final stage also to receive substance. It concerns energy power based on burning of natural fuel, both to atomic engineering, and to thermonuclear synthesis. Thus cost of received energy remains high, and waste are very dangerous to biosphere. For such methods of receiving of energy the formulation suits: " substance in the beginning of energy transformations - substance in the end of energy transformations ". The task is to find new methods of receiving of energy, free from drawbacks of the traditional scheme. The new scheme of energy transformations should look as: " Substance in the beginning of energy transformations - energy in the end ". Then at a final stage of energy transformations there will be no substance, dangerous to biosphere. It is possible only in case when there are no reactions of synthesis in the circuit of energy transformations, and instead of them the reactions destructurization of substance are realized. It is possible in medium of energy saturated vacuum, where there is an infringement of its symmetry. As a result, there is no direct access to energy of vacuum, but the exchange of energy of vacuum on energy contained in substance is carried out. The transformation of substance to energy will allow considerably to increase quantity of received energy and to make process of receiving of energy by ecologically clean. The new scheme of energy transformations can be realized at presence of a high level of excitation energy of vacuum and influence of this energy on substance. For this purpose a proton ideally suitable as "fuel".
In second half of 20-th century the theoretical physics has come to a conclusion about an opportunity of disintegration of a proton [6,11]. The disintegration of a proton represents the very tempting phenomenon for the purpose of receiving of vacuum energy. Let's confirm it by concrete calculations. In [3,7,8,10] the physical constants hu, tu, lu,, П, concerning vacuum are found. These constants have allowed to receive mass of a proton by mathematical calculation [5]. The formulas for mass of a proton, with application of universal superconstants of vacuum hu, tu, lu,, П, directly follow from parities(ratio) (1) - (7).
Let's note, that from the above mentioned formulas, major fundamental physical constant mp/me [5,8,10] directly follows. Component, which represents binding energy is entering into the formulas of mass of a proton. This energy determines a degree of steadiness of a particle. We have the opportunity to calculate its value. The formula for definition of binding energy of a proton is presented as [5]:
The value of binding energy has been calculated on this formula, is equal 107,74 лev (? 108 лeV) and makes about 11,5 % from rest energy of a proton. Thus the major characteristic of a proton is determined, knowledge of which is the key moment for realization of a new method of receiving of energy. If a proton is receiving extra energy, such, that it exceeded binding energy (? 108 MeV), it becomes unsteady and disintegrates on light particles having very small time of life. It is possible at the certain level of energy saturation of vacuum in a local zone of space, where there is a proton. The new method of receiving of energy is based on this principle.
The basic stage of energy transformations in a new method of receiving of energy can be presented as:
p+ + 108 MeV 938 MeV
Here instead of reaction of synthesis of substance, energy saturation of a proton is realized, that results in it destructurization. On Fig.1 the complete scheme of energy transformations in a new method of receiving of energy is shown.
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