Pulizer Prize
Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
Теги реферата: воспитание реферат, рефераты бесплатно
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The formula worked so well that in the next decade the circulation of The
World in all its editions climbed to more than 600,000, and it reigned as
the largest circulating newspaper in the country. But unexpectedly Pulitzer
himself became a victim of the battle for circulation when Charles Anderson
Dana, publisher of The Sun, frustrated by the success of The World launched
vicious personal attacks on him as "the Jew who had denied his race and
religion." The unrelenting campaign was designed to alienate New York's
Jewish community from The World. Pulitzer's health was fractured further
during this ordeal and in 1890, at the age of 43, he withdrew from the
editorship of The World and never returned to its newsroom. Virtually
blind, having in his severe depression succumbed also to an illness that
made him excruciatingly sensitive to noise, Pulitzer went abroad
frantically seeking cures. He failed to find them, and the next two decades
of his life he spent largely in soundproofed "vaults," as he referred to
them, aboard his yacht, Liberty, in the "Tower of Silence" at his vacation
retreat in Bar Harbor Maine, and at his New York mansion. During those
years, although he traveled very frequently, Pulitzer managed, nevertheless, to maintain the closest editorial and business direction of
his newspapers. To ensure secrecy in his communications he relied on a code
that filled a book containing some 20,000 names and terms. During the years
1896 to 1898 Pulitzer was drawn into a bitter circulation battle with
William Randolph Hearst's Journal in which there were no apparent
restraints on sensationalism or fabrication of news. When the Cubans
rebelled against Spanish rule, Pulitzer and Hearst sought to outdo each
other in whipping up outrage against the Spanish. Both called for war
against Spain after the U.S. battleship Maine mysteriously blew up and sank
in Havana harbor on February 16, 1898. Congress reacted to the outcry with
a war resolution. After the four-month war, Pulitzer withdrew from what had
become known as "yellow journalism." The World became more restrained and
served as the influential editorial voice on many issues of the Democratic
Party. In the view of historians, Pulitzer's lapse into "yellow journalism"
was outweighed by his public service achievements. He waged courageous and
often successful crusades against corrupt practices in government and
business. He was responsible to a large extent for passage of antitrust
legislation and regulation of the insurance industry. In 1909, The World
exposed a fraudulent payment of $40 million by the United States to the
French Panama Canal Company. The federal government lashed back at The
World by indicting Pulitzer for criminally libeling President Theodore
Roosevelt and the banker J.P. Morgan, among others. Pulitzer refused to
retreat, and The World persisted in its investigation. When the courts
dismissed the indictments, Pulitzer was applauded for a crucial victory on
behalf of freedom of the press. In May 1904, writing in The North American
Review in support of his proposal for the founding of a school of
journalism, Pulitzer summarized his credo: "Our Republic and its press will
rise or fall together. An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with
trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve
that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a
mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a
people as base as itself. The power to mould the future of the Republic
will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations."
In 1912, one year after Pulitzer's death aboard his yacht, the Columbia
School of Journalism was founded, and the first Pulitzer Prizes were
awarded in 1917 under the supervision of the advisory board to which he had
entrusted his mandate. Pulitzer envisioned an advisory board composed
principally of newspaper publishers. Others would include the president of
Columbia University and scholars, and "persons of distinction who are not
journalists or editors." In 2000 the board was composed of two news
executives, eight editors, five academics including the president of
Columbia University and the dean of the Columbia Graduate School of
Journalism, one columnist, and the administrator of the prizes. The dean
and the administrator are nonvoting members. The chair rotates annually to
the most senior member. The board is self-perpetuating in the election of
members. Voting members may serve three terms of three years. In the
selection of the members of the board and of the juries, close attention is
given to professional excellence and affiliation, as well as diversity in
terms of gender, ethnic background, geographical distribution, and in the
choice of journalists and size of newspaper.
More than 2,000 entries are submitted each year in the Pulitzer Prize
competitions, and only 21 awards are normally made. The awards are the
culmination of a yearlong process that begins early in the year with the
appointment of 102 distinguished judges who serve on 20 separate juries and
are asked to make three nominations in each of the 21 categories. By
February 1, the Administrator's office in the Columbia School of Journalism
has received the journalism entries -in 2000, typically 1,516. Entries for
journalism awards may be submitted by any individual from material
appearing in a United States newspaper published daily, Sunday, or at least
once a week during the calendar year. In early March, 77 editors, publishers, writers, and educators gather in the School of Journalism to
judge the entries in the 14 journalism categories. From 1964-1999 each
journalism jury consisted of five members. Due to the growing number of
entries in the public service, investigative reporting, beat reporting, feature writing and commentary categories, these juries were enlarged to
seven members beginning in 1999. The jury members, working intensively for
three days, examine every entry before making their nominations. Exhibits
in the public service, cartoon, and photography categories are limited to
20 articles, cartoons, or pictures, and in the remaining categories, to 10
articles or editorials - except for feature writing, which has a maximum of
five articles. In photography, a single jury judges both the Breaking News
category and the Feature category. Since the inception of the prizes the
journalism categories have been expanded and repeatedly redefined by the
board to keep abreast of the evolution of American journalism. The cartoons
prize was created in 1922. The prize for photography was established in
1942, and in 1968 the category was divided into spot or breaking news and
feature. With the development of computer-altered photos, the board
stipulated in 1995 that "no entry whose content is manipulated or altered, apart from standard newspaper cropping and editing, will be deemed
These are the Pulitzer Prize category definitions in the 2001 competition:
1. For a distinguished example of meritorious public service by a newspaper through the use of its journalistic resources which may include editorials, cartoons, and photographs, as well as reporting.
2. For a distinguished example of local reporting of breaking news.
3. For a distinguished example of investigative reporting by an individual or team, presented as a single article or series.
4. For a distinguished example of explanatory reporting that illuminates a significant and complex subject, demonstrating mastery of the subject, lucid writing and clear presentation.
5. For a distinguished example of beat reporting characterized by sustained and knowledgeable coverage of a particular subject or activity.
6. For a distinguished example of reporting on national affairs.
7. For a distinguished example of reporting on international affairs, including United Nations correspondence.
8. For a distinguished example of feature writing giving prime consideration to high literary quality and originality.
9. For distinguished commentary.
10. For distinguished criticism.
11. For distinguished editorial writing, the test of excellence being clearness of style, moral purpose, sound reasoning, and power to influence public opinion in what the writer conceives to be the right direction.
12. For a distinguished cartoon or portfolio of cartoons published during the year, characterized by originality, editorial effectiveness, quality of drawing, and pictorial effect.
13. For a distinguished example of breaking news photography in black and white or color, which may consist of a photograph or photographs, a sequence or an album.
14. For a distinguished example of feature photography in black and white or color, which may consist of a photograph or photographs, a sequence or an album.
While the journalism process goes forward, shipments of books totaling some
800 titles are being sent to five letters juries for their judging in these
1. For distinguished fiction by an American author, preferably dealing with American life.
2. For a distinguished book upon the history of the United States.
3. For a distinguished biography or autobiography by an American author.
4. For a distinguished volume of original verse by an American author.
5. For a distinguished book of non-fiction by an American author that is not eligible for consideration in any other category.
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