Some problems of the russian spelling
Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
Теги реферата: развитие россии реферат, большой реферат
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Рефераты | Топики по английскому языку | Some problems of the russian spelling![]() Some problems of the russian spellingКатегория реферата: Топики по английскому языку Теги реферата: развитие россии реферат, большой реферат Добавил(а) на сайт: Теребов. Предыдущая страница реферата | 1 2 3 4 | Следующая страница реферата |
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629 |
<у> after hard consonants (the beginning of words after heightproposition). Letters И and Ы |
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Table 1. Ratio of morphological, phonetic, hyperical and traditional orthographic principles in vowel phoneme lettering on foreign word material from "Vesty-Kuranty. 1600-1639".
We have no possibility to give the list of accented forms in the paper. Many words have two accents (one of them, additional, appears by virtue of phonetic reasons). The additional stress position is the strong one in the Russian language and it may be not considered.
Let me proceed to the orthographic analysis directly. A stressed variant of the word is compared with written and spoken forms in the language-source and then is classified as the demonstration of certain principles. Then phonemes а(in the position after hard consonants and at the absolute beginning of words) and i(in the position after soft consonants and at the beginning of words where it can alternate with y) are considered. So, аin these positions may be lettered by O or A in Russian.
If ais lettered by A and ais a reflex of the phoneme designated in a languagesource by the letter reproducing phoneme refllex ait is considered as the display of morphological principle. E.g.: ' Аргелскии' - Spanish ' Argel'.
If ais lettered by O and ais a reflex of the phoneme designated in a languagesource by the letter reproducing phoneme refllex oit is the display of morphological principle too. E.g.: 'Комора' - Ger. 'Komorn'.
If ais lettered by A and ais a reflex of the phoneme designated in a languagesource by the letter reproducing phoneme refllex oit is considered as the demonstration of phonetic principle. E.g.: ' азано' - It. 'Fossano'.
If ais lettered by O and ais a reflex of the phoneme designated in a languagesource by the letter reproducing phoneme refllex ait is the demonstration of hyperical principle. E.g.: 'Ровенстеин' - Ger. 'Ravenstein'.
As for iit can be lettered by Е or И (if at the beginning of words it is lettered by Ы it may be classified as the action of phonetic principle).
If iis lettered by И and iis a reflex of the phoneme designated in a languagesource by the letter reproducing phoneme refllex iit is the display of morphological principle. E.g.: 'Лютих' - Ger. 'Luttich'.
If iis lettered by Е and iis a reflex of the phoneme designated in a languagesource by the letter reproducing phoneme refllex eit is the display of morphological principle too. E.g.: 'Антверпен' - Ger. 'Antwerpens'.
If iis lettered by И and iis a reflex of the phoneme designated in a languagesource by the letter reproducing phoneme refllex eit is the demonstration of phonetic principle. E.g.: '(из) Дрездина' - Ger. 'Dresden'.
If iis lettered by E and iis a reflex of the phoneme designated in a languagesource by the letter reproducing phoneme refllex iit is hyperical principle. E.g.: '(из) Мендена' - Ger. 'Minden'. It can be tabled.
It allows us to sum up. There are 4029 orthograms for 1790 word-uses. There are 785 spellings according to morphological principle that accounts for 20%, 101 spellings according to phonetic principle that accounts for 2,5%, 14 spellings according to hyperical principle that accounts for 0,3%, 3129 spellings (in sum with earlier figers) according to traditional principle that accounts for 77,7%. Now I would pass to phenomena of consosnant phoneme lettering. To begin with weak positions for consonants are those of voicing and unvoicing. Weak positions of hardness and softness are not analyzed in the work for lack of the material.
German g could reflect as gand in Russian therefore both 'Бранденбурк' and 'Бранденбурх' ( Brandenburg) are the reproduction of the voiceless consonant in spelling and it can be the demonstration of phonetic principle. Sometimes unvoicing phonemes are carried into the strong position. E.g.: 'Амбурка' (Amburg), 'Нюренбурху' (Nurnberg). Having analysed reflection of foreign consonants in the Russian language I can offer the table. The line other cases", strictly sreaking it is not a position, is entered for giving an opportunity to classify the cases clear for analysis. It includes :
1) traditional spellings in consonants : КС - , Ф - ;
2) morpheme juncture in adjectives : a stem (with the last phonemes d/t, g/k/h) plus suffix -ск- (sk). The position may be reflected by changing letters, e.g. :Гирсъqелтские - German feld , (demonstration of phonetic principle) ; by cutting a stem (as n attemp to reproduce pronounciation), e.g. : Гасqелский - German feld, (phonetic principle); by retaining be letter to designate a reflex of a phoneme in a language - source, e.g. : Гасqелдъский - German feld , (morphological principle).