Темы по английскому языку для школы
Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
Теги реферата: рынок реферат, доклад
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Britain in Brief.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland with an
area of 244 000 square miles is situated on the British Isles, which are
separated from the European continent by the North Sea, the Strait of Dover
and the English Channel. Britain’s population is over 56 million. Four out
of every five people live in towns. The largest cities of the country are
London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow and Edinburgh.
The UK is a monarchy: the head of the state is a king or a queen.
In practice, the Sovereign reigns, but does not rule: the UK is governed by
the Government. The present Sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II.
The territory of Great Britain is small. Yet the country has a wide variety of scenery.
The heart of Britain is England. It is the richest, the most
fertile and most populated in the country. The north and the west of
England are mountainous, but all the rest of territory is a vast plain. In
Northwest England, there are many beautiful lakes with green, wooded or
grassy shores and grey mountains all around.
The smallest of Britain’s countries is Wales. The largest part of
Wales is covered with rocky mountains, which are difficult to climb. Most
people in Wales live in the coastal plains.
Scotland is a land of mountains, wild moorlands, narrow valleys
and plains, famous lakes and no end of large and small islands. The
Highlands of Scotland are among the oldest mountains in the world. One-
third of the people in Scotland live in or near its capital, Edinburgh, and its great industrial
center, Glasgow.
The capital of Great Britain, London, stands on the Thames. The
Thames is the busiest and the most important river in Great Britain, but it
is not very long. The climate of Great Britain is mild.
Скачали данный реферат: Люция, Balunov, Kosorukov, Епифан, Горшков, Kurochkin, Antonov, Iwenko.
Последние просмотренные рефераты на тему: изложение на тему, рефераты по биологии, спорт реферат, реферат на социальную тему.