Дарвинизм и пунктуализм вместе (оригинальная концепция эволюции)
Категория реферата: Рефераты по биологии
Теги реферата: сочинение базаров, реферат по русскому языку
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7. Яблоков А.В. Зарождение теории естественного отбора в Записных книжках Ч.Дарвина // Чарлз Дарвин. Происхождение видов. С.-Петербург: Наука, 1991. С. 448-456.
8. Beer de G. The Wilkins lecture: The origins of Darwin's ideas on evolution and natural selection // Proc. Roy. Soc. London. B. 1962. V. 155, № 960. P. 321-338.
9. Bowler P. Darwin's concept of variation // J. Hist. Med. and Allied Sci. 1974. V. 29, № 2. P. 196-212.
10. Browne J. Charles Darwin. Voyaging. Volume 1 of a Biography. London: Piblico, 1995. 605 p.
11. Coleman W. Georges Cuvier Zoologist: A Study in the History of Evolution Theory. Cambridge; Mass., 1964.
12. Darwin Ch. Natural Selection: Written from 1856 to 1858 / Ed. R.Stauffer. Cambridge, 1975.
13. Darwin Ch. The Correspondence. Cambridge, 1987. V. 3.
14. Darwin Ch., Wallace A. Evolution by Natural Selection. Cambridge, 1958.
15. Desmond A., Moore J. Darwin. N.Y.;L.: Norton and Co, 1991. 808 p.
16. Gould S., Eldredge N. Darwin's gradualism // Syst. Zool. 1983. V. 32, № 4. P. 444-445.
17. Kohn D. Theories to work by: rejected theories, reproduction and Darwin's path to natural selection // Stud. Hist. Biol. 1980. V. 4. P. 67-170.
18. Kohn D. Darwin's principle divergence as internal dialogue // The Darwinian Heritage. Princeton, 1985. P. 245-258.
19. Limoge C. La selection naturelle. Paris, 1970.
20. Mayr E. Cladistic analysis or cladistic classificatiоn? // Zool. System. Evolution - sforschung. 1974. Bd. 12, H. 2. S. 94-128.
21. Mayr E. Biological classification: toward a synthesis opposing methodologies // Science. 1981. V. 214. P. 510-516.
22. Mayr E. One long argument. Charles Darwin and the genesis of modern evolutionary thought. Cambridge. Mass., 1991.
23. Ospovat D. The development of Darwin's theory. Cambridge, 1981. 301 p.
24. Rhodes F. Darwinian gradualism and its limits: The development of Darwin's views of the rate and pattern of evolu-tionary change // J. Hist. Biol. 1987. V. 20, № 2/3. P. 139 -157.
Скачали данный реферат: Варенников, Авдий, Voejkov, Krak, Stepashin, Chernikov.
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