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Теги реферата: доклад по географии на тему, ответы 8 класс
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8. Brown K.E., Baxter J., Graf D. et al. Dynamic repositioning of genes in the nucleus of lymphocytes preparing for cell division // Mol. Cell. 1999. V. 3. P. 207-217.
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12. Cobb B.S., Morales-Alcelay S., Kleiger G. et al. Targeting of Ikaros to pericentromeric heterochromatin by direct DNA binding // Genes Dev. 2000. V. 14. P. 2146-2160.
13. Cockell M., Gasser S.M. Nuclear compartments and gene regulation // Curr. Opin. Genet. Develop. 1999. V. 9. P. 199-205.
14. Cremer M., von Hase J., Volm T. et al. Non-random radial higher-order chromatin arrangements in nuclei of diploid human cells // Chromosome Res. 2001. V. 9. P. 541-567.
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24. Grunstein M. Yeast heterochromatin: regulation of its assembly and inheritance by histones // Cell. 1998. V. 93. P. 325-328.
25. Gurdon J.B. Nuclear transplantation in eggs and oocytes // J. Cell Sci. (Suppl.). 1986. V. 4. P. 287-318.
26. Gurdon J.B. Genetic reprogramming following nuclear transplantation in Amphibia // Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. 1999. V. 10. P. 239-243.
27. Gurdon J.B., Laskey R.A., De Robertis E.M., Partington G.A. Reprogramming of transplanted nuclei in amphibia // Int. Rev. Cytol. (Suppl.), 1979. V. 9. P. 161-178.
28. Guss K.A., Nelson C.E., Hudson A. et al. Control of a genetic regulatory network by a selector gene // Science. 2001. V. 292. P. 1164-1167.
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31. Jackson J.D., Petrykowska H., Philipsen S. et al. Role of DNA sequences outside the cores of DNase hypersensitive sites (HSs) in functions of the *-globin locus control region // J. Biol. Chem. 1996. V. 271. P. 11871-11878.
32. Kikyo N, Wolffe A.P. Reprogramming nuclei: insights from cloning, nuclear transfer and heterokaryons // J. Cell Sci. 2000. V. 113. P. 11-20.
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