Контроллер связываемых объектов
Категория реферата: Рефераты по информатике, программированию
Теги реферата: сочинение изложение, рефераты бесплатно скачать
Добавил(а) на сайт: Ажищенков.
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Documents(DocNumber).Discription = MakeDocForm.Discrip.Text
Documents(DocNumber).FileName = MakeDocForm.DocumentName.Text
Documents(DocNumber).CreateDateTime = MakeDocForm.Label4(0).Caption
If MakeDocForm.Combo1.ListIndex = RegistrationCo + 1 Then
Documents(DocNumber).UsedProgramm = -1
Documents(DocNumber).UsedProgramm = Registrations(MakeDocForm.Combo1.ListIndex).TotalNumber
End If
End Sub
Public Sub SaveProject(ProjectName As String)
Dim FileNumber As Integer
Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer
On Error GoTo Err1
FileNumber = FreeFile
Open ProjectName For Output As FileNumber
Write #FileNumber, TotalDocCo, TotalFunCo, DocumentCo, FunctionCo
For a = 0 To DocumentCo
With Documents(a)
Write #FileNumber, .TotalNumber, .FileName, .CreateDateTime, .UsedProgramm, _
.Discription, .ImageIcon, .ImageText, .X, .Y, .OutputFunPointCo, _
For b = 0 To .OutputFunPointCo
Write #FileNumber, .OutputFunPoints(b)
Next b
For b = 0 To .OutputDocPointCo
Write #FileNumber, .OutputDocPoints(b)
Next b
End With
Next a
For a = 0 To FunctionCo
With Functions(a)
Write #FileNumber, .TotalNumber, .FileName, .CreateDateTime, .UsedProgramm, _
.AutomatFunction, .AutoExeFlag, .AskBeforeExe, .Discription, _
.ImageIcon, .ImageText, .X, .Y, .DocumentsAndFunctionsLink, _
.OutputFunPointCo, .OutputDocPointCo, .InputFunPointCo, _
For b = 0 To .OutputFunPointCo
Write #FileNumber, .OutputFunPoints(b)
Next b
For b = 0 To .OutputDocPointCo
Write #FileNumber, .OutputDocPoints(b)
Next b
For b = 0 To .InputFunPointCo
Write #FileNumber, .InputFunPoints(b)
Next b
For b = 0 To .InputDocPointCo
Write #FileNumber, .InputDocPoints(b)
Рекомендуем скачать другие рефераты по теме: курсовые, архитектура реферат.
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