Экзистенциальная терапия в работе с телом
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18. Франкл В.Э. Человек в поисках смысла. М.: Прогресс, 1990, с.154-155
19. Франкл В.Э. Основы логотерапии. Психотерапия и религия - Спб: Речь, 2000а. с.187-189, 213, 217-280.
20. Ялом И. Экзистенциальная психотерапия. - М.: Независимая фирма "Класс", 1999 - с.5-33, 231-340
21. Boss, M. "Daseinanalysis" and psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis and Existential Philosophy. New York: E.P.Dutton Co. 1962, pp.81-89
22. Boss, M. (1979) Existential foundations of medicine and psychology. (Trans S. Conway & A. Cleaves). New York: Jason Aronson.
23. Brenner H. (1988) The Self Understanding of the Psychotherapist Humanistic Psychologist, 16, pp. 141-152
24. Duerckheim K. "Uberweltliches Leben in der Welt" Norbert Friedrich Weitz Verlag, Aachen 1989.
25. Feldenkrais M. Awareness through movement. - New York, 1972.
26. Reich W. Die Fuktion des Orgasmus. Kieppenheuer & Wisch, 1969
27. Sartre J.-P., Being and Nothingness, trans. By Hazel E. Barnes (New York, 1956), pp. 560-564.
Resume of the article "Working with the body in existential therapy"
This article is devoted to such an underdeveloped topic as methods of working with the body in existential therapy. In the article the author describes his understanding of the purposes of existential therapy and its methods. He determines his position as ontocentric, t.i. focused on being (ontos) as it is. The author finds methodological bases of his approach in the works of M. Heidegger, M. Boss and K. Durckheim. According to the author the purpose of ontocentric existential therapy is increasing ontological or existential authenticity, t.i. increasing the accordance of the structure of his being to the main ways of his Essence. The Essence is localized neither in personal nor in collective subconsciousness. The Essence is the being itself opening in unique pattern of human existence. It is both immanent and transcendent to human being.
Existential therapy methods are considered to be mediums (mediator) with the help of which man can meet with the Essence. (The word "can" is important because no technique guarantees that such a meeting will happen, it can just create the conditions and set the space for this meeting. If this meeting happens it brings sufficient changes in the structure of human being-in-the-world, it changes his attitude to the world, to other people and to himself.) The idea of the article is that besides the verbal methods ("medium of the speaking world" - the term of M. Boss student Heidi Brenner), that are traditional for existential therapy; there are other methods (mediums) that can be not less and sometimes even more effective than verbal. These are methods of working with body.
In the second paragraph of the article the existential therapy understanding of the body is described. It is based on theoretical works of M. Boss and K. Durckheim. The reader's attention is drawn to the fact that our body is not limited to the borders of our skin and that our body is an integral condition of our living and that we should treat it with maximum responsibility.
The third paragraph of the article is devoted to principal and methodological differences between the approach to body in existential therapy and traditional body-oriented therapy connected with the names of Reich, Lowen and Feldenkrais.
The last paragraph is devoted to the practical usage of the methodology described above. The real therapeutic work with four methods (mediums) of working with body is described: Guided drawing (Gef. Zeichnen), work with the wooden sword (Bokken), work with clay (Tonfeld) and Leibarbaiten method of K. Durckheim, implementing the direct physical contact with the patient.
In general the article supports the idea that working with body in existential therapy is not only possible but necessary.
Летуновский В.В. Экзистенциальная терапия в работе с телом
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