History of the USA
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In 1890 the American people numbered 63 million, double the 1860
population. During these years the nation's cities underwent tremendous
growth. Many new urbanites came from the American countryside, but many
others came from abroad. From 1860 to 1890 more than 10 million immigrants
arrived in the United States; from 1890 to 1920, 15 million more arrived
(see IMMIGRATION). Most were concentrated in northern cities: by 1910, 75
percent of immigrants lived in urban areas, while less than 50 percent of
native-born Americans did so. In the 1880s the so-called new immigration
began: in addition to the Germans, Scandinavians, Irish, and others of the
older immigrant groups, there came such peoples as Italians, Poles,
Hungarians, Bohemians, Greeks, and Jews (from central and eastern Europe, especially Russia). Roman Catholics grew in number from 1.6 million in 1850
to 12 million in 1900, producing a renewed outburst of bitter anti-Catholic
nativism in the 1880s. The large cities, with their saloons, theaters, dance halls, and immigrant slums, were feared by many native American
Protestants, who lived primarily in small cities and the rural countryside.
The outbreak of labor protests from the 1870s on, often characterized by
immigrant workers opposing native-born employers, intensified the
hostility. In 1878 the KNIGHTS OF LABOR formed, opening its ranks to all
working people, skilled or unskilled. The Knights called for sweeping
social and economic reforms, and their numbers rose to 700,000 in 1886.
Then, as the organization broke apart because of internal stresses, the
American Federation of Labor, under Samuel GOMPERS, formed to take its
place. Concentrating on skilled craftworkers and tight organization, it
Domestic Politics
Gilded Age politics became a contest between evenly balanced Republicans
and Democrats. Winning elections by small margins, they alternated in their
control of Congress and the White House. Five men served as Republican
presidents: Hayes; James A. GARFIELD (1881); Chester A. ARTHUR (1881-85), who succeeded Garfield on his assassination; Benjamin HARRISON (1889-93);
and William MCKINLEY (1897-1901). Their party regarded industrial growth
and capitalist leadership with approval, believing that they led to an ever-
widening opening of opportunity for all.
Grover CLEVELAND rose from obscurity to become Democratic governor of New
York in the early 1880s and then U.S. president (1885-89; 1893-97; although
he won a popular-vote plurality in the election of 1888, he lost to
Harrison in the electoral college). Reared a Jacksonian Democrat, he
believed that society is always in danger of exploitation by the wealthy
and powerful. A vigorous president, he labored to clean up government by
making civil service effective; took back huge land grants given out
fraudulently in the West; and battled to lower the protective tariff.
In the Great Plains and the South, grain and cotton farmers, suffering from
falling crop prices, demanded currency inflation to raise prices. By 1892 a
POPULIST PARTY had appeared, to call for free coinage of silver to achieve
this goal. Cleveland resisted, stating that such a monetary policy would
destroy confidence, prolong the great depression that began in 1893, and
injure city consumers. In 1896 the Democrats, taken over by southern and
western inflationists, ran William Jennings BRYAN on a FREE SILVER
platform. Ethnic voters surged into the Republican ranks--for the
depression was a disastrous one and the Republican party had always urged
active government intervention to stimulate the economy. In addition, as
city dwellers they feared inflation. William McKinley's election began a
long period of one-party (Republican) domination in the northern states and
in Washington.
During the period known as the Progressive Era (1890s to about 1920) the
U.S. government became increasingly activist in both domestic and foreign
policy. Progressive, that is, reform- minded, political leaders sought to
extend their vision of a just and rational order to all areas of society
and some, indeed, to all reaches of the globe.
America Looks Outward
During the 1890s, U.S. foreign policy became aggressively activist. As
American industrial productivity grew, many reformers urged the need for
foreign markets. Others held that the United States had a mission to carry
Anglo-Saxon culture to all of humankind, to spread law and order and
American civilization. In 1895 the United States intervened bluntly in the
VENEZUELA BOUNDARY DISPUTE between Venezuela and imperial Britain, warning
that, under the Monroe Doctrine, American force might be used if Venezuela
were not treated equitably. A Cuban revolution against Spain, begun in
1895, finally led to the SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR (1898), undertaken to free
Cuba. From that war the United States emerged with a protectorate over Cuba
and an island empire consisting of the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam.
The United States also annexed the Hawaiian Islands in 1898, completing a
bridge to the markets of the Far East. In 1900 the American government
announced the OPEN DOOR POLICY, pledging to support continued Chinese
independence as well as equal access for all nations to China's markets.
William McKinley's assassination brought Theodore ROOSEVELT to the
presidency in 1901. A proud patriot, he sought to make the United States a
great power in the world. In 1903 he aided Panama in becoming independent
of Colombia, then secured from Panama the right for the United States to
build and control a canal through the isthmus. In 1904, in the Roosevelt
Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, he asserted the right of the United
States to intervene in the internal affairs of Western Hemisphere nations
to prevent "chronic wrongdoing." The following year his good offices helped
end the Russo-Japanese War. Having much strengthened the navy, Roosevelt
sent (1907) the Great White Fleet on a spectacular round-the-world cruise
to display American power.
Progressivism at Home
Meanwhile, the Progressive Era was also underway in domestic politics. City
governments were transformed, becoming relatively honest and efficient;
social workers labored to improve slum housing, health, and education; and
in many states reform movements democratized, purified, and humanized
government. Under Roosevelt the national government strengthened or created
regulatory agencies that exerted increasing influence over business
enterprise: the Hepburn Act (1906) reinforced the Interstate Commerce
Commission; the Forest Service, under Gifford PINCHOT from 1898 to 1910, guided lumbering companies in the conservation of--and more rational and
efficient exploitation of--woodland resources; the Pure Food and Drug Act
(1906; see PURE FOOD AND DRUG LAWS) attempted to protect consumers from
fraudulent labeling and adulteration of products. Beginning in 1902,
Roosevelt also used the Justice Department and lawsuits (or the threat of
them) to mount a revived assault on monopoly under the Sherman Anti-Trust
Law. William Howard TAFT, his successor as president (1909-13), drew back
in his policies, continuing only the antitrust campaign. He approved
passage of the 16TH AMENDMENT (the income tax amendment, 1913), however; in
time it would transform the federal government by giving it access to
enormous revenues.
Republicans were split in the election of 1912. The regular nomination went
to Taft, and a short-lived PROGRESSIVE PARTY was formed to run Theodore
Roosevelt. Democrat Woodrow WILSON (1913-21) was therefore able to win the
presidency. Attacking corporate power, he won a drastic lowering of the
tariff (1913) and establishment of a Tariff Commission (1916); creation of
the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (1913) to supervise banking and currency; a
broadened antimonopoly program under the CLAYTON ANTI-TRUST ACT (1914);
control over the hours of labor on the railroads (Adamson Act, 1916); and
creation of a body to ensure fair and open competition in business (Fair
Trade Commission, 1914).
During the Progressive Era, southern governments imposed a wide range of
JIM CROW LAWS on black people, using the rationale that such legalization
of segregation resulted in a more orderly, systematic electoral system and
society. Many of the steps that had been taken toward racial equality
during the Reconstruction period were thus reversed. The federal government
upheld the principle of racial segregation in the U.S. Supreme Court case
PLESSY V. FERGUSON (1896), as long as blacks were provided with "separate
but equal" facilities. In the face of the rigidly segregated society that
confronted them, blacks themselves were divided concerning the appropriate
course of action. Since 1895, Booker T. WASHINGTON had urged that blacks
should not actively agitate for equality, but should acquire craft skills, work industriously, and convince whites of their abilities. W. E. B. DU
BOIS insisted instead (in The Souls of Black Folk, 1903) that black people
ceaselessly protest Jim Crow laws, demand education in the highest
professions as well as in crafts, and work for complete social integration.
(NAACP) was founded to advance these ideals.
Intervention and World War
President Taft continued to stress the economic aspects of Roosevelt's
interventionist spirit. Under Taft's foreign policy (called dollar
diplomacy) U.S. firms were encouraged to increase investments in countries
bordering the Caribbean in the hope that the American economic presence
would ensure political stability there. President Wilson went a step
further, seeking not simply to maintain order, but to advance democracy and
self-rule. In 1915 he sent troops into Haiti to put an end to the chaos of
revolution--and to protect U.S. investments there--and in 1916 he did the
same in the Dominican Republic; the two countries were made virtual
protectorates of the United States. With Nicaragua he achieved the same end
by diplomacy. In hope of tumbling the Mexican dictator Victoriano Huerta,
Wilson at first denied him diplomatic recognition, then in April 1914 sent
troops to occupy the Mexican port city of Veracruz and keep from Huerta its
import revenues. The Mexicans were deeply offended, and in November 1914,
Wilson withdrew American forces. The bloody civil war that racked Mexico
until 1920 sent the first large migration of Mexicans, perhaps a million
people, into the United States (see CHICANO).
After the outbreak of World War I in August 1914, Wilson sought vainly to
bring peace. In early 1917, however, Germany's unrestricted use of
submarine attacks against neutral as well as Allied shipping inflamed
American opinion for war (see LUSITANIA). Wilson decided that if the United
States was to have any hope of influencing world affairs, it was imperative
that it enter the war and fight to protect democracy against what he called
German autocracy.
America's entry into the war (April 1917) was the climax of the Progressive
Era: Wilson's aim was the extension of democracy and the creation of a just
world order. In January 1918 he issued his FOURTEEN POINTS as a proposed
basis for peace: freedom of the seas and removal of all barriers to trade;
an end to secret diplomacy; general disarmament; self-government for the
submerged nationalities in the German and Austro- Hungarian empires; and a
league of nations. The addition of more than a million American troops to
the Allied armies turned the balance against the Germans in 1918, and an
armistice on November 11 ended the war. At the PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE, however, Wilson failed in much of his program, for the other Allies were
not interested in a "peace without victory." The British would not agree to
freedom of the seas; tariffs did not tumble; self-determination was often
violated; key negotiations were kept secret; but in the end Wilson obtained
his greatest objective, establishment of the League of Nations to provide
collective security against future aggression. Many at home, however, preferred to return to America's traditional isolation from world affairs.
When Wilson tried imperiously to force the Senate to accept the entire
treaty, he failed. The United States never became a member of the League of
After its participation in the conflagration then known as the Great War, the American nation was ready to turn inward and concentrate on domestic
affairs (a "return to normalcy," as 1920 presidential candidate Warren
Harding called it). Private concerns preoccupied most Americans during the
1920s until the Great Depression of the next decade, when increasing
numbers turned, in their collective misfortune, to government for solutions
to economic problems that challenged the very basis of U.S. capitalistic
The 1920s: Decade of Optimism
By the 1920s innovative forces thrusting into American life were creating a
new way of living. The automobile and the hard- surfaced road produced
mobility and a blurring of the traditional rural-urban split. The radio and
motion pictures inaugurated a national culture, one built on new, urban
values. The 19TH AMENDMENT (1920) gave women the vote in national politics
and symbolized their persistence in efforts to break out of old patterns of
domesticity. The war had accelerated their entrance into business, industry, and the professions and their adoption of practices, such as
drinking and smoking, traditionally considered masculine. So, too, young
people turned to new leaders and values and sought unorthodox dress, recreations, and morals.
Traditional WASP (white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant) America fought the new
ways. The adoption of PROHIBITION in 1919 (with ratification of the 18TH
AMENDMENT) had been a victory of Yankee moral values over those of
immigrants, but now many of the great cities practically ignored the
measure. The Russian Revolution of 1917 sent a Red Scare shivering through
the country in 1919-20; suspicion centered on labor unions as alleged
instruments of Moscow. The KU KLUX KLAN, stronger in the northern
Republican countryside than in the South, attacked the so-called New Negro, who returned from the fighting in France with a new sense of personal
dignity (the HARLEM RENAISSANCE expressed this spirit through the arts), and the millions of Roman Catholics and Jews who had been flooding into the
country since the 1890s. The Immigration Law of 1924 established a quota
system that discriminated against all groups except northern and western
Europeans. In 1925 the spectacular SCOPES TRIAL in Dayton, Tenn., convicted
a high school science teacher of presenting Darwinian theories of
evolution, which fundamentalist Protestants bitterly opposed.
New ideas, however, continued to inundate the country, and optimism remained high. The U.S. population delighted in the "miracles" that new inventions had brought them--electric lights, airplanes, new communication systems. The solo flight to Paris of Charles LINDBERGH in 1927 seemed to capture the spirit of the age. The business community was praised for its values and productivity. Henry Ford (see FORD family) and his system of cheap mass production of automobiles for people of modest incomes was regarded as symbolic of the new era.
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