From the land called Beringia
Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
Теги реферата: сочинение по картине, шпори психологія
Добавил(а) на сайт: Светлана.
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June 3
- in 1942, a large carrier-based Japanese force attacked Dutch Harbour.
June 7
- in 1942, the Japanese landed almost 2,500 troops on the Aleutian islands of Attu and Kiska. It took a huge Allied force until August 15, 1943 to regain control - the final invasion force numbered 34,426 troops.
June 13
- in 1898, the Yukon Territory is created.
June 20
- in 197, the first oil was pumped throught the 800-mile Trans-Alaska Pipeline from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez.
July (day unknown)
- in 1786, while charting Lituya Bay, 2 small boats are swamped by rip tides, and 21 French sailors drown.
- in 1968, the oil riches of Alaska's North Slope, first reported almost 100 years ago, were confirmed by a drilling program at Prudhoe Bay. The following year, a total of $990,220,590 was bid in a one-day lease sale of those properties.
July 2
- in 1882, George Krause becomes the first white man allowed to cross the Chilkat Pass to the interior.
July 3
- in 1913, the first airplane in Alaska made a demonstration flight at Fairbanks, piloted by James V. Lilly.
July 8
- in 1799, the Russian American Company is formed by Royal Charter; they were given a 20-year monopoly on trading on the coast from 55 degrees north.
July 10
- in 1919, Louis Beauvette staked the first silver claim at Keno Hill, in the central Yukon; by 1930 this district was producing 14% of all the silver mined in Canada.
July 14
- in 1897, the Excelsior reaches San Francisco with the first large shipment of Klondike gold.
July 15
- in 1923, the Alaska Railroad was completed, following 8 years of construction.
July 16
- in 1741, Vitus Bering, on St. Elias Day, sights the Alaskan mainland. In honour of the saint, the most prominent peak was named; this was the first point on the northwest coast named by Europeans.
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