From the land called Beringia
Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
Теги реферата: сочинение по картине, шпори психологія
Добавил(а) на сайт: Светлана.
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July 17
- in 1897, the Portland reached Seattle with a large shipment of Klondike, turning the excitement caused by the Excelsior's arrival at San Francisco into an all-out gold rush.
July 22
- in 1902, Felice Pedroni ("Felix Pedro") discovered gold in the Tanana Hills, causing a stampede which resulted in the founding of Fairbanks.
July 23
- in 1867, Alaska's first post office is authorized, to be opened at Sitka.
July 27
- in 1868, the Customs Act is amended to include Alaska.
July 29
- in 1900, the White Pass & Yukon Route railroad was completed, with the Golden Spike driven at Carcross, Yukon.
August (day not known)
- in 1876, twelve whaling ships are trapped by ice near Point Barrow; 50 men die attempting to reach safety.
August 17
- in 1896, a party consisting of George Carmack, his wife Kate, Skookum Jim, Tagish Charlie and Patsy Henderson stake placer gold claims on Rabbit Creek, and rename the creek Bonanza Creek.
August 21
- in 1732, a Russian expedition under surveyor Mikhail Gvozdev sights the Alaska mainland at Cape Prince of Wales.
- in 1852, Fort Selkirk is destroyed by a group of Tlingits who objected to the Hudson's Bay Company trying to break the Tlingit monopoly on trade with the interior tribes.
August 24
- in 1912, the Alaska Territorial Act was passed by Congress.
August 25
- in 1778, Captain James Cook turned back south, having reached Lat. 71 North, Long. 197 West.
September (day not known)
- in 1848, the Hudson's Bay Company builds Fort Selkirk, at the confluence of the Pelly and Yukon Rivers.
- in 1871, of the 41 whaling ships hunting in the Bering Sea, 32 are trapped by early ice; all of the 1,200 people on the ships escaped, but 31 of the ships were destroyed the following spring.
- in 1898 gold was discovered near the future site of Nome, triggering a stampede.
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