Replacement Housing (Помещения для ремонтного молодняка)
Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
Теги реферата: шпоры по менеджменту, реферат на тему война
Добавил(а) на сайт: Chuprov.
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Water is essential at all times. Provide at least one watering space
per 20 animals. Dairy heifers need 1-1,5 gal of water daily per 100 lb body
weight. Select waterers that are easy to clean; protect them from freezing.
Locate waterers on elevated curbs and in a location that allows easy manure
removal around them. Adjust waterer height to allow small animal access.
Handling and treatment facilities
Animal treatment areas are a necessary part of the replacement housing
system. Vaccinations, artificial insemination, pregnancy checking, deworming, dehorning and examinations are done easily and safely for
animals and workers when animals can be separated and restrained easily.
Equipment that eases labor and saves time in handling animals are:
> Scales.
> Self-locking feed stanchions.
> Gating/fencing.
> Squeeze chute/breeding chute.
Prep room
Locate a work room near calf housing for feed storage, a refrigerator/freezer, hot water heater, cleaning sink, health records and supplies. This area can be used to prepare milk replacer and clean feeding equipment.
Feed and bedding storage
Store bedding and feed in the building or nearby. Reduce daily hauling and feeding time by storing a one to two weeks supply. Storage space depends on animal density, feeding frequency and feed availability.
Table 2. Calf and transition housing.
|Housing type |Pen size |
|0—2 months (individual pens) | |
|Calf hutch (plus 4'x6' outdoor run) |4'x8' |
|Bedded pen |4'x7' |
|Tie stall (warm housing only) |2'x4' |
|3-5 months (groups up to 6 head) | |
|Super calf hutch |25-30 ft2/hd |
|Bedded pen |25-30 ft2/hd |
Table 3. Replacement heifer resting area space requirements.
|Age, months |Weight, lb |Self-cleanin|Bedded |Slotted |Paved |
| | |g resting |resting |floor, ft2 |outside lot,|
| | |area[3],ft2 |area[4], ft2| |ft2 |
|0-2[5] |100-190 |Do not use |32 (4'x8' |Do not use |Do not use |
| | | |hutch) | | |
|3-5 |190-350 |Do not use |28(4'x7' |Do not use |Do not use |
|6-8 |350-500 |10 |pen) |12 |35 |
|9-12 |500-650 |12 |28 |13 |40 |
|13-15 |650-800 |15 |25 |17 |45 |
|16-24 |800-1,200 |18[6] |28 |25 |50 |
|Dry cow |> 1,300 |20d |32 |35 |55 |
| | | |40 | | |
| | | |50 | | |
Table 4. Heifer freestall dimensions.
Stall width measured o. c. of 2" pipe stall dividers.
Stall length measured from alley side of curb to front of stall.
|Age, months |Weight, lb |Freestall size |Neck rail |
| | |Width, in |Length, in |Height above|Distance |
| | | | |stall bed, |from back |
| | | | |in |curb, in |
|6-8 |350-500 |30 |60 |28 |46 |
|9-12 |500-650 |33 |64 |30 |49 |
|13-15 |650-800 |37 |72 |34 |57 |
|16-24 |800-1,200 |42 |78 |37 |62 |
|Dry cow |> 1,300 |45 |84 |40 |66 |
Table 5. Suggested dimensions for post and rail feeding fences.
|Age, months |Weight, lb |Throat height, in |Neck rail height, |
| | | |in |
|6-8[7] |360-490 |14 |28 |
|9-12 |490-650 |16 |30 |
|13-15 |650-780 |17 |34 |
|16-24 |780-1,200 |19 |41 |
|Cows |1,200-1,500 |21 |48 |
Table 6. Feed space requirements.
|Type |Age, months |Mature |
| | |cow |
| |3-4 |5-8 |9-12 |13-15 |16-24 | |
| |in/animal |
|Self feeder | | | | | | |
|Hay or silage |4 |4 |5 |6 |6 |6 |
|Mixed ration or grain |12 |12 |15 |18 |18 |18 |
|Once-a-day feeding | | | | | | |
|Hay, silage, or ration |12 |18 |22 |26 |26 |26-30 |
Cold housing
Cold housing is the recommended system for raising replacement animals.
Cold housing building systems provide a dry and draft-free environment in
winter, and wind ventilation and shade in summer. The building is usually
uninsulated and has natural ventilation designed as an integral part of the
building. Indoor temperature follows outside temperature very closely.
Advantages of a cold housing are:
Рекомендуем скачать другие рефераты по теме: сочинение, архитектура реферат, проблема дипломной работы.
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