Темы по английскому языку (English topics)
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1. I was born in Russia and I’m proud of this.
I can say that I truly love my motherland. But nowadays a lot of people
leave our country and move to the other ones: America, United Kingdom,
Israel e.t.c.
I don’t think that they are right. I think that no matter how difficult
is the situation in our country at present, every citizen of Russia must
remember about the gloriuos history, wonderfull culture and traditions of
A lot of the world-famous scientists – Lomonosov, Mendeleev, Timiryasev,
Sechenov etc. -were born in Russia. The first sputnik and space ship
started from Russia. A lot of discoveries and inventions in chemistry, geography, physics, biology and medicine were made by russian scientists.
The greatest poets, writers and composers known all over the world were
also born in our country - Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Gogol, Dostoevski,
Griboedov, Tchaikovski, Rashmaninov and many others.
Russia won many biggest wars in History. Although we lost 29
millions people in Second World War, Russian soldiers conquered Berlin and
saved the world from Fascism.
We must know our history and remember our ancestors. I believe that Russia
will become the strongest and richest country in sprite of all the
2. I am going to tell you about Moscow.
Moscow, the capital of Russia, is one of the largest the most beautiful
cities in the world. The total area of the city is about 900 square
kilometers. About 10 million people live in the city. Moscow was founded in
1147 by prince Yuri Dolgoruky.
Nowadays it is a political, commercial and cultural center of our country. It is also an industrial center with highly developed engineering, electric, light and chemical industries.
The heart of Moscow, the central and one of the most beautiful places
is the Red Square. Here one can see the Cathedral of St. Basil, the
monument to Minin and Pozharsky, the Kremlin, the History museum and take a
walk in the Alexandrovsky garden.
Some skyscrapers decorate Moscow, including the Moscow State University, the oldest university in Russia that was founded in 18th century by
Lomonosov. I can be said that Moscow is a city of students. There are over
80 higher educational institutes in it.
The are more then 80 museums in Moscow. The largest and the most famous
ones are the Pushkin museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov art
Moscow is also famous for it’s theaters. The best-known of them is the
Bolshoi thetre, the Moscow drama thetre ( MHAT), Sovremennik and Lenkom.
There are many parks and gardens in Moscow, that’s why its citizen like to
spend their free time out home. The most beautiful and the lagest ones are
the Gorky Park and the Poklonnaya Gora.
Moscow is a scientific center of our country. The Academy of scientists of Russia, the oldest university, many scientific institutes are located in Moscow.
3. There is a a lot of english-speaking countries in the world, for
example: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United
States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is used as one of the
official languages in Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish
Republic. It’s also spoken as a second language by people in many parts of
Asia and Africa.
But I would like to tell you about the USA.
The United States of America is located in the North
America continent. It is one of the largest countries in the world. The
population of the USA is about 250 million people. The administrative units
of the USA are called states. There are 50 of them and the largest of the
America’s states is Alaska. The capital of the country is Washington DC (
the District of Columbia). It was chosen as a permanent site for the
nation’s capital in December 1800 by George Washington. The largest and the
most imporatnt cities of the USA are New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los
Angeles and Boston. There are many tall buildings in them that really
scrape the sky, that’s why they are called skyscrapers.
Among the most famous sites of interest are the Great Lakes,
Niagara falls, the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco and other. There are
many beautiful National parks and protected areas of wilderness in
The USA is a highly developed country. It is rich in such natural resourses
as coal, oil, iron and natural gas. On the other hand, it exports a lot of
raw materials, industrials and agricultural products.
By constitutional regime the United States of America is a federal
republic. The American parliament ( called Congress ) has two chambers :
the House of Representative and the Senate. The head of the State is the
president, who is elected for four years and whose powers are limited by
the Constitution. Now the President of the USA is George Bush Junior.
The flag of the country has 13 red and white stripes representing the
original 13 states and 50 stars - for each of the state at present.
4. I was born in Buryatia that is situated in the Eastern part of
Siberia and I can say that my native region is very beautiful.
There are a lot of large beautiful forests there, where one can see many
kinds of different plants and animals. Cedar, larch, firtree, birch, pine
and many other trees grow in our woods, as well as various kinds of
berries, like cranberry, great bilberry, raspberry and the most popular one
- foxberry. In august people begin to pick berries for selling and for
We have such kinds of animals like bear, dear, elk, fox, wolf, and, of
course, sable, that has very reach and beautiful fur, that’s why poachers
kill it. Nowadays poaching is encreasing and it is one of the biggest
problem for our region.
The most popular sight in Buryatia is lake Baikal, that attracts tourists
from all the parts of the world. Baikal is the biggest freshwater lake on
the planet and the deepest one. There are a lot of fish in the lake, the
most popular of which are pike, grayling, whitefish and sturgeon. Only in
Baikal one can see such kind of fish as omoul and such specie of animal
as nerpa.
Every year a lot of tourists from different foreign countries come to
Buryatia. People come to see all these reaches of nature and to enjoy this
perfect fresh air, but we don’t understand what treasures possess and
don^t spare them. Some people often leave rubbish in forests and on the
coast-line of Baikal in summer and throw empty bottles in its watter, and
make fires. If we don^t change our behaviour, very soon we can loose our
wonderful nature forever.
5. When I was a child I didn^t have much problems, and the ones that I
had were very lunimportant and stupid.
As I became more adult I understood that my life consists of different
kinds of problems – personal and global.
The first personal problem for me now is to choose the way of my future life, that is, to realise what I want to be and what profession I want to have. Thats why I should consider in what institute I will get my education after graduating from the school. What my future life will be depends on the answer to this question.
Sometimes I don^t have enough time and energy to do all my home work.
It is a big problem too, as it doesn^t let me study better.
Every time I hear from TV bad news about our country. It is getting on my nerves. Altough it isn^t my personal problem, it’s very unpleasant to hear such things about your home country that you love.
The biggest problem nowadays is drugs. There are very many teenagers
now, who sell it and buy it. They leave school and drop heir studies and
degrade and become thieves and bandits.
( Many times they told me to give them money. I was compelled to fight with
them. But they are weak and each time they loose the battle and run away.)
Drugs endanger the future of our country and our town. It is a very big
menace for all the people.
So, as every teenager I do have problems, but I don^t let myself give in / surrender ( сдаться ) and always try to fight them.
6. Now I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is not very large, there are 5 members – my parents, my sister, grandmother and me
First of all I’d like to speak of my parents. My mother is a speech therapist by profession, but now she helps my father in his work. My father is a director of a restaurant and the brewery in our town.
My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps house and takes care of us. She is very good at cooking and she^s got golden hands. We try to help her with the housework; for example we wash the dishes, go shopping and tide our flat.
My grandmother is a very old woman. She is 79 years old. She doesn^t live with us, but we come tosee her every day to take care of her. We love our granny very much.
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