Темы по английскому языку (English topics)
Категория реферата: Топики по английскому языку
Теги реферата: скачать конспект урока, особенности курсовой работы
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My sister Yana is 21. She studies in Moscow. This year she is
graduating from the University. She will be a lawyer but she can also
work as a translator from English and French languages because she knows
them quite well.
We all like to spend our time together. Sometimes we stay at home and
watch TV or just talk, and on weekends we go out of town to Baikal or to
visit our friends. We also like tom invite people to us and I can say that
every guest who comes to us, goes back smily and in a good mood, because
my parents are very hospitable and nice people.
7. When one finishes school one understands that its the time to choose
a future profession and the way his life will be. It’s not easy to make
a right choice of a job. It’s very important question for me - what I
want to be when I leave school . A few years ago it was to make up my mind
and choose one of the hundreds jobs. As a child I wanted to become an
inventor or a scientist to invent different things to make peoples life
better and more comfortable.
Then I decided to become an officer of FSS (ФСБ in Russian) , then a
But all of these ambitions are in the past now. I have considered this
question for a long time and decided that the profession that siuts me most
is a manager. It is very popular and demanded
( требуемая ) nowadays, just like a profession of lawyer or economist. I
think that management coresponds my personal qualities because I like to
communicate with people and to be a leader if its necessary.
I also want to say that the profession should be chosen according to the character and preferencies of a person. Children must choose their profession themselves because they must love the things they do, believe that people need them and their job brings them peasure, not just money.
8. People all over the world like doing sports because it makes them
healthier, keeps them fit and it is just a great passing of time.
Every sports makes the one who is doing it you stronger, harder improves
his reaction and qiuckness. What is more, some sports help to develope
special physical skills and train particular groups of muscles. For
example: skies, swimming and jogging helps to strengthen make legs and
hands and trains one^s breath. Peole going in for bodybuilding can lift
up large weights and their bodies become beautiful and relief. Team games
like football, basketball, volleyball and hockey make you well-
coordinated, quick and dexterious ( проворный) and teach how to cooperate
wth the other players in order to win a game. Fighting sports, especially
Eastern ones, like carate, aikido, oushou, help to develope all aspects of
fitness – strength, quick reaction, dexterity, and spirit as well, because
each of them based on philosophy. To my mind, fighting arts are the best
For me sports is a hobby. I do some exercises every day, because it keeps me in a good form and makes me stronger. When you begin to go in for sports you can give up it after some weeks, because it is not easy to do hard exercises every day. But you must make yourself doing it, or you will not have any results. For example, if one wants to make his muscles grow he must keep on working very hard and consistently (последовательно ), from day to day to get some results.
As a child I went to many sport clubs and gave up it after half a year, but I^ve always done something to keep fit. Since last summer I do weight-lifting and push-up exercises to develope my muscles 5 times a week. Sometimes I go jogging with my father. I like it because it makes me strong and more active.
The ancient Greeks said there is a healthy spirit in a healthy body. I
think thats true and every man, who respects himself must go in for sports.
It is the way for healthy and long life.
9. More and more people realize that every educated person should know at
least one foreign language.
The most popular and wide-spread ( распространенный ) language in the world
now is English.
Spanish, French, German languages are also popular, but as much as English, because it is more difficult to learn them – because of their grammar and
lexiks. They are spoken mostly in Europe and in the former colonies of
France and Spain in Latin America and Africa.
English is spoken by more than 350 million people .It’s the language of
aprogressive science and technology, trade and cultural relations, commerce
and business. It’s the universal language of international aviation, shipping and sports. It is also the major language of diplomacy.
Hundreds and hundreds of books, magazines and newspapers are printed in
English and all over the world. 75% of the world’s mail and 60% of the
world’s telephone calls are made in English. Half of the world’s scientific
literature is written in English too.
In Russia English is very popular : it is studied at schools, colleges, universities, and sometimes even at nursery schools. All the qualified
specialists nowadays must know English.
Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow
process that takes a lot of time and patience. But to know languages today
is absolutely necessary for everyone.
I^ve studied English for about 2 years by now and I^m very glad to do this because I have always been interested in foreign countries, their culture
and traditions.
10. Nowadays a lot of people in the world like to travel. The level of the
technical deveplopment allows to voyage practically to any country of
the world in the shortest time.
People travel by different means of conveyance, even on foot. But
everybody likes to go to different places and see various sites of
Some Russian tourists prefer to trip to foreign countries. I understand
them, because it’s always interesting to visit a place where you have
never been and to learn something new about the other nations, their
culture and traditions, to see architectural monuments and famous
masterpieces with your own eyes.
Every place on the Earth has its own sights, flaura and fauna and
climate, which makes visiting it yet more interesting. So one of the main
reasons for travaling is to get new experience and impressions.
To my mind, our country has a lot of places that are worth seeing.
Although the climate of Russia sometimes is not very favourable, our
forests are the largest in the world and there are lots of rare species
animals and plants there. The lakes, rivers and seas in our contry are
also very beautiful and picturesque ( живописный ), for example our lake
Baikal, the deepest and the most pure lake in the world and the only place
on the planet where you can find such a fish as Omoul.
The territory of our country is big enough and our historical and cltural heritage is rich enough to satisfy all the tastes and wishes of travellers. That is why the majority of the Russian tourists prefer to travel in our country. Some of them travel only for hunting and fishing, the others change places simply to spend their free time.
As for me I like to travel throughout Russia, to learn more about
my motherland.
My favorite place for having rest are the surroundings ( окрестности ) of
our freshwater lake Baikal, where the nature is so beautiful and calm and
the air is so fresh. I also like to travel to the Black Sea where the
climate is so warm and mild and where there is always plenty of fruits in
11. The word «Ecology» is very popular word today. But what does it mean?
Ecology is a science which studies relationships between all forms of life
on our planet and the environment. This word came from the Greek «oikos»
which means «home». This idea of home includes our whole planet and its
population, nature, animals, birds, fish, insects and all other living
beings, as well as the atmosphere around our planet.
Ecology has become such an imporatnt science because with the progress of
civilisation and technical develpment the environment on the Earth gets
more and more poluted and the natural resourses – like drinking water, fossils ( полезные ископаемые), forests etc. get exhausted ( истощаются).
For example, every year the atmosphere is polluted by 100 tons of
industrial dust and other harmful substances.
Big cities suffer from smog from large factories. Cars with their engines
have become the main source of pollution in industrial countries. The
forests Africa, South America and Asia are cut down for the needs of
industries in Europe and the USA. As a result some species of animals, birds, fish and plants have disappeared and keep disappearing. Rivers and
lakes dry up. One of the most known examples is the Aral Sea, which has
become much smaller due to men’s activity.
The pollution of the air and of the world’s oceans and the thinning of the
ozone layer nowadays are the main problems arising from man’s careless
attitude to ecology.
In Russia and the former Soviet republics there are some areas where the
environment is in a poor state. The Aral Sea, Lake Baikal, the Kuzbass,
Semipalatinsk and Chernobyl are such problematic regions.
For decades nuclear weapons were tested near Semipalatinsk, and the ground
is contaminated with radiation there.
More than 20 years ago a pulp-and-paper factory was built on the shore of
Lake Baikal. As a result of the pollution, more than 50 % of the world’s
purest water has been ruined. The whole ecological system of the lake has
change greatly.
After the exploision (взрыв) on the atomic power station
( атомная электростанция) all people who lived near that place were
evacuated due to a very high level of radiation. Some of them died and some
have become invalids. And even today the Chernobyl region remains deserted
(покинутый), as its very harmful to be there for any living creature.
Ecological catastrophes do a lot of harm to Nature, and, consequently
(следовательно), they threaten the future exhistence of mankind.
What everyone must do is to try to do his best in order not to pollute
atmosphere, water and soil (почва) – not to leave rubbish in forests and on
the shores of lakes and rivers, not use pesticides (пестициды ) and the
others harmful soil fertilisers (удобрения), prevent forest fires ...
12. Every country has its national holidays, but there are also holidays
that are common for many countries – for example, New Year’s Day that is
the first holiday of each new year. In Russia it is the most popular
holiday, but in the West people traditionally pay more attention to
The celebration of the New Year begins on New Year’s Eve, that is, on the
31st of December. This day people light colored lamps on their decorated
New Year’s Trees and have a late dinner that consists of various delicious
courses ( блюда) – salats, fried feesh and meet, cakes, and, of cause, champagne. Some people prefer to stay at home just watch TV-programs and
concerts. The others like to go to their friends or to different parties
and restaurants. But when the clock strikes 12 at night (часы бьют), everybody congratulate each other and gives and gets presents. Sometimes
they also go out for a late walk and to make and to watch fireworks..
In Russia we also have holidays commemorating some important events in our
history, for example, Victory Day ( on the 9th of May) , Constitution Day (
on the 12 of December) , the Day of the Sovereignty of the Russian
Federation ( on the 12th of June). There are also holidays like May Day and
Women’s Day ( on the 8th of March). The most important religious holidays
are Christmas and Easter. In Russia Christmas is celebrated on January 7, and in Europe and in the USA, on December 25.
In Great Britain there are also many holidays. Banking Holidays happen
four times a year: Easter Monday, Whit Monday, the first Monday in August
and December 26th. Day. They are very interesting holydays for all the
banks and the other official establishments (государственные учреждения)
are closed and people give to their employees (служащим) presents ( thats
why they re also called Boxing Days).
The other public holidays celebrated in the Western countries are:
Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Good Friday and May Day. On these days all
bank and all places of business are also closed and nearly everyone takes a
But British traditional national holidays like Pancake Day, Guy Fawkes’
Night, St. Valentine’s Day, April Fool’s Day, Mother’s Day are ordinary
working days. ( подробнее про английские праздники)
There are also many holidays in the USA.
The main holiday in the USA is Independence Day, celebrated on the fourth
of July. On that day in 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted.
Another traditional American holiday is Thanksgiving Day which falls on the fourth Thursday of November. It has been celebrated since the 17th century, when the English colonists decided to celebrate the end of their first year in America and to give thanks to God.
There are the other holydays in the USA besides Christmas, New Year and
Easter, which are popular all over the world. For instance, Columbus Day
celebrated on October 12.
There are many special holydays, for example, Day of Martin Luther King,
Presidents Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and of cause Halloween, which
celebrated on October 31.
13. I know many American and English holidays but I want to tell you
about Russian ones.
There are plenty holidays in Russia, but my favorite one is New Year’s
Day. The celebration of the holiday begins at 12 o’clock AM on 31st of
First of all, I like it because it is celebrated during winter vacations
and when I think of this holiday, I always remember all the things that
I^ve done during this time. I have a lot time to sleep and to walk with my
friends. There are a lot of interesting and funny programs, famous comedies
and concerts on TV on the New Year’s Eve.
We always begin to celebrate New Year’s Day in a very good mood. First of
all, we light colored lamps on our decorated New Year’s Tree and have a
late dinner that usially consists of very delicious courses like salats, fried fish or meed, cakes, and, of cause, champagne.
Sometimes we just watch TV till the clock strikes 12, and then we go
out for a walk to visit our friends and relatives and to watch beatiful
fireworks in the centre of our town.
On New Year everybody gives and gets presents, and like this tradition very
much. People become very kind and friendly on this day, because it is a
great holiday. Everything outside seems very nice, every home, every shop
and building becomes beautiful because, people want to make their home and
place of work more bright. At home we all stay up until midnight and
much later.
On the next day after the celebraton of New Year people can sleep very
long, because they don^t need to go to work.
It is very important to celebrate New Year very well and funny because it
is believed that you will pass a new year in the same way as you have met
14. I have studied a lot about different famous Americans and British, so
I would like to tell you about some of them.
A lot of famous writers and poets were born in America. For example, Jack
London, a writer well- known all over the world. He is best known for his
book « The Call of the Wild», the story about adventures of a dog in frozen
Mark Twain was born in Missouri and he is famous forsuch his masterpieces
as «The Adventure of Tom Sawyer» and «The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn».
Рекомендуем скачать другие рефераты по теме: сочинение 5 класс, реферат по дисциплине, сочинение.
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