Роль Евро в мировой валютно–кредитной системе (МВКО)
Категория реферата: Остальные рефераты
Теги реферата: реферат язык, сочинение базаров
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6. Малаха В. «Кризис вынуждает Россию и ЕС менять ориентиры программы технического содействия», ЕВРО, © "Хроникер", 02/1999. Стр. 44 – 49.
7. Руджеро Р., «Глобальной экономике нужна глобальная стабильность» доклад в Институте международных банкиров (Нью-Йорк) 11/01/1999. ©
"Колумб-медиа", 1999. Стр. 25.
8. Сорос Дж. «Кризис мирового капитализма. Открытое общество в опасности»
М.: Инфра – М, 1999.
9. Статья 8 (4) Регламента Совета о введении евро. Москва, Консалтбанкир,
1998. Стр. 78 – 96.
10. Шемятенков В., Буторина О., Бутаков Д., Ершов М «Доклад для
Правительства и ЦБ РФ «Единая европейская валюта ЕВРО и национальные интересы России», Деп. МФЭО ЦБ РФ, Москва, 07/1999. Стр. 1 – 33.
11. Элис Джеймс, «Перспективы ЕЭВС», информагентство "Эф-Даблью-Эн", ©
"Колумб-медиа", 1999, © "Хроникер", 1999.
12. "The World Economic Outlook” , Statistical Appendix, IMF 1999, стр 101
– 145.
13. "The World Economic Outlook” Ch.1 Countries on the European Union
Accession Track, IMF 1999. Стр 12 – 27.
14. "The World Economic Outlook”, IMF 2000. Стр. 1-173.
15. “Annual Report 1994”, ECI April 1995. Стр. 11.
16. “Annual Report 1995”, ECI April 1996. Стр. 3.
17. “Annual Report 1996”, ECI April 1997. Стр. 43.
18. “Annual Report 1997”, ECI June 1998. Стр. 14.
19. “Common market standards for money market and foreign exchange transactions: Updated policy messages”, ECB July 1997. Стр. 1.
20. “Common market standards for money market and foreign exchange transactions: Updated policy messages”, ECI, July 1998. Стр. 1.
21. “Convergence Report - Report required by Article 109j of the Treaty establishing the European Community”, EU Press March 1998. Стр. 9.
22. “Differences between national changeover scenarios and the potential need for harmonized action: Common policy messages”, ECI March 1997. Стр.
23. “EU securities settlement systems - Issues related to Stage Three of
EMU”, ECI February 1997. Стр. 51.
24. “Europe: external aspects of economic and monetary union.” Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 23.04.1997 SEC(97) 803. Стр. 19.
25. “European Union Balance of Payments (Capital and Financial Account)
Statistical Methods”, EU Press, January 1998. Стр. 14 – 22.
26. “Final List of Monetary Financial Institutions”, IMF March 1998. Стр. 1
– 29.
27. “Legal convergence in the Member States of the European Union - As at
August 1997”, ECU press release October 1997. Стр. 13.
28. “List of Monetary Financial Institutions - As at December 1997”, IMF
April 1998. Стр. 1.
29. “Money and Banking Statistics Sector Manual - Guidance for the statistical classification of customers”, DB Press April 1998. Стр. 22 –
30. “Progress towards convergence 1996”, ECI November 1996. Стр. 3 – 9.
31. “Progress towards convergence”, ECI November 1995. Стр. 4 – 15.
32. “Sponsoring by the ESCB of an overnight reference interest rate in
Stage Three of EMU”, ESCB September 1997. Стр 1.
33. “Standards for the use of Securities Settlement Systems in ESCB credit operations”, ESCB January 1998. Стр. 23 – 32.
34. “The changeover to the single currency. Historical comparisons.”,
European Monetary Institute, November 1995. Стр 10 – 15.
35. “The single monetary policy in Stage Three - Elements of the monetary policy strategy of the ESCB”, ESCB, February 1997. Стр. 1.
36. “The single monetary policy in Stage Three - Specification of the operational framework”, ECB January 1997. Стр. 3 – 48.
37. “The single monetary policy in Stage Three: General documentation on
ESCB monetary policy instruments and procedures”, ECB September 1997.
Стр. 2 – 15.
38. “The statistical requirements for Monetary Union”, ECB July 1996. Стр.
39. A bibliography of surveys concerning the changeover to the single currency,, European Monetary Institute, May 1998. Стр. 1 – 79.
40. Alessandro Prati, Garry J. Schinasi. European Monetary Union and international capital markets: Structural Implications and risks. IMF
Working paper No. 62, IMF, May 1997. Стр. 7.
41. Article 109f of the Treaty establishing the European Community:
Economic and monetary policy (Title VI). Стр 10 – 16.
42. Bayoumi, Tamim; Kenen, Peter B; Research Department Series: Using an
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