Роль Евро в мировой валютно–кредитной системе (МВКО)
Категория реферата: Остальные рефераты
Теги реферата: реферат язык, сочинение базаров
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EC-Wide Monetary Aggregate in Stage Two of EMU : Working Paper
WP/92/56, IMF 1996. Стр. 12 – 40.
43. Bayoumi, Tamim; Masson, Paul R; Research Department Series: Liability-
Creating Versus Non-Liability-Creating Fiscal Stabilization Policies -
Ricardian Equivalence, Fiscal Stabilization, and EMU : Working Paper
WP/98/112, IMF 1998. Стр. 11.
44. Bayoumi, Tamim; Research Department Series: Who Needs Bands? Exchange
Rate Policy Before EMU : Working Paper WP/95/43, IMF 1996. Стр. 23.
45. Begg, David; Research Department Series: The Design of EMU : Working
Paper WP/97/99, IMF 1997. Стр. 4 – 9.
46. Berthold, Norbert; Fehn, Rainer; Thode, Eric; Research Department
Series : Real Wage Rigidities, Fiscal Policy, and the Stability of EMU in the Transition Phase : Working Paper WP/99/83, IMF 1999. Стр. 3 –
47. Cangiano, Marco; Mottu, Eric; Fiscal Affairs Department Series: Will
Fiscal Policy Be Effective Under EMU? : Working Paper WP/98/176, IMF
1999. Стр. 11 – 12.
48. Cassard, Marcel; Lane, Timothy; Masson, Paul R; European I Department
Series: ERM Money Supplies and the Transition to EMU : Working Paper
WP/94/1, IMF 1996. Стр. 9 – 11.
49. Crafts, Nicholas; Research Department : Globalization and Growth in the Twentieth Century, IMF February 2000. Стр. 1 – 57.
50. Feldman, R; Nashashibi, K.; Nord, R.; Allum, P.; Desruelle, D.;
Enders, R.; Kahn,R; Temprano-Arroyo, H. Impact of EMU on Selected Non-
European Union Countries : Occasional Papers No. 174, IMF 1999. Стр.
20 – 24.
51. Hadjimichael, Michael T; Galy, Michel; African Department Series: The
CFA Franc Zone and the EMU : Working Paper WP/97/156, IMF 1997. Стр. 3
– 7.
52. Kopits, George; Fiscal Affairs Department Series: Implications of EMU for Exchange Rate Policy in Central and Eastern Europe : Working Paper
WP/99/9, IMF 1999. Стр. 1 – 22.
53. Kopits, George; Fiscal Affairs Department Series: Papers on Policy
Analysis and Assessments : Are Europe's Social Security Finances
Compatible with EMU? PPAA/97/3, IMF 1997. Стр. 1.
54. Masson, P;Krueger, T. : EMU and the International Monetary System, IMF
1997. Стр. 4 – 35.
55. Masson, Paul R; Research Department Series: Fiscal Dimensions of EMU :
Papers on Policy Analysis and Assessments PPAA/96/7, IMF 1997. Стр. 1.
56. Masson, Paul R; Research Department Series: Monetary and Exchange Rate
Policy of Transition Economies of Central and Eastern Europe after the
Launch of EMU : Policy Discussion Papers PDP/99/5, IMF 1999. Стр. 23 –
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