Категория реферата: Рефераты по зоологии
Теги реферата: банк курсовых работ, диплом государственного образца
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The shy, nocturnal and virtually unknown Snow Leopard is classified with the big cats, but shares some small cat characteristics, for example it doesn't roar and it feeds in a crouched position.
The Snow leopard has to contend with extremes of climate and its coat varies from fine in summer to thick in winter. The surfaces of its paws are covered by a cushion of hair, which increases the surface area, thus distributing the animal's with more evenly over soft snow and protecting its soles from the cold.
Snow leopards are solitary except during the breeding season, (January
to May), when male and female hunt together, or when a female has young.
One to four young are born in spring or early summer in a well-concealed
den lined with the mother's fur. Initially, the spots are completely black.
The young open their eyes at 7-9 days, are quite active by two months, and
remain with their mother through their first winter
Snow leopards are extremely rare in many parts of their range due to the demand for their skins by the fur trade. Although in many countries it is now illegal to use these furs, the trade continues and the species remains under threat.
They live in the snow-covered mountain peaks of Central Asia. How high do these Asian Mountains rise? They reach 20,000 feet in altitude.
The snow leopard's long, thick fur keeps it warm even in the frosty
air, and its creamy white and gray color camouflages it in the snow.
Because humans are fond of turning its beautiful coat into coats for
themselves, the species is on the brink of extinction.
This hyena is also known as the "laughing" hyena. Sometimes a hyena lets out a cry that resembles a wild human cackle.
Did you know that a hyena can gorge up to 33 pounds of meat extremely fast? It needs to eat fast because as many as 50 other hungry hyenas may be next to it, noisily feeding on the same piece of meat. Scientists have seen 38 hyenas devour a zebra in 15 minutes, leaving only a few scraps behind.
The hyena is famous for eating animal parts that other meat-eaters won't touch. You might even see it stamping and biting on an ostrich egg, trying to eat it. After devouring everything in sight, the hyena spits out the horns, hooves, and bone pieces, ligaments and hair. If there are leftovers, it buries the meat in a muddy pool. The hyena's good memory leads it back to the hidden food when it's hungry again.
The spotted hyena hunts at night. Hyenas were once thought to be just scavengers (animals that eat the meat left behind by predators). But now we know that they're very good at finding their own food, too.
Hunting together in large packs, hyenas have a very effective way of catching their favorite food. One hyena scares a herd of wildebeest, looks for the weakest member of the herd, and then begins a chase. The other hyenas join in the attack, and a wildebeest feast is soon ready.
If you've ever heard the expression "laughing hyena" and wondered where it came from, it was inspired by the strange, laughter-like sound hyenas make when they're being attacked or chased.
True hyenas have thickset muzzles with large ears and eyes, powerful jaws and big cheek teeth to deal with a carnivorous diet. They walk on four- toed feet with five asymmetrical pads and nonretractile claws. The tail is long and bushy (less so in the spotted hyena). Spotted hyenas will eat almost anything, but in the wild much of their food comes from mammals heavier than 44 lb. which they mostly kill for themselves. The frequency of hunting depends on the availability of carrion; spotted hyenas will loot the kills of other carnivores, including lions. Group feeding is often noisy, but rarely involves serious fighting. Instead, each hyena gorges extremely rapidly on up to 33 lb. of flesh. Pieces of a carcass may be carried away to be consumed at leisure or, occasionally, stored underwater.
It seems that the success of spotted hyenas is ensured through
individual and cooperative hunting and sharing of food between adults.
Cooperation also extends to communal marking and defense of the territory, in which both sexes play a similar role, whether or not they are related.
Competition within the clan can, however, be intense. The system of
communication shows adaptations, which reduce aggression and coordinate
group activities. Such competition probably provided the selection pressure
whereby females evolved their large size and dominant position, which in
turn relates also to levels of testosterone in the blood that are
indistinguishable from those of the male. Thus female spotted hyenas are
able to feed a small number of offspring alone and protect them from the
more serious consequences of interference by other hyenas, particularly
unrelated males.
Hyenas are often called "solitary," a label which obscures the fact
that their social systems are among the most complex known for mammals.
Spotted hyenas employ elaborate meeting ceremonies and efficient long-range
communication by scent and sound. Even when moving alone, spotted hyenas
maintain some direct contact with their fellows. They respond to sounds, which are only audible to humans with the aid of an amplifier and
Calls audible to the unaided human ear include whoops, fast whoops, yells and a kind of demented cackle that gives this species its alternative name of laughing hyena. Whoop calls, in particular, are well-suited to long- range communication as they carry over several kilometers; each call is repeated a number of times, which helps the listener to locate the caller, and each hyena has a distinctive voice. Infant hyenas will answer the pre- recorded whoops of their mothers, but not those of other clan hyenas.
Lions are among the most admired animals on earth. Their strength and
beauty, combined with their bold nature, have fascinated people for ages.
In fact, the lion has often been called the "king of the beasts." And when
you see a big male lion, with its magnificent main and proud walk, it's
easy to understand why. Lions really do look like kings.
But lions don't always lead the easy lives of kings. They often need to work hard to survive. Lions are meat eaters, or carnivores, so they must hunt other animals for food. And sometimes prey is hard to find. When food is scarce, a lion may go for days without eating.
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