Категория реферата: Рефераты по зоологии
Теги реферата: банк курсовых работ, диплом государственного образца
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Lions are members of the big cat family, which includes tigers, leopards, and jaguars. The main difference between the big cats and all other cats is that generally big cats can roar but cannot purr. Other cats can purr but cannot roar.
The lion is one of the biggest cats in the world. Only the Siberian tiger is larger. A male lion may be 9 to 10 feet long (3 meters) and can weigh 500 pounds (227 kilograms) or more. Female lions are smaller. The average female is 7 to 8 feet long (2 l/2 meters) and weighs 270 to 350 pounds (140 kilograms).
Lions are different from most other cats in that they live in groups called prides. They hunt together, guard their territory together, and raise their young together. Lions that live in groups can catch more food than a single lion can. And they can protect themselves better. Also, lions that are born into groups have a large family to care for them.
There are two different kinds, or subspecies, of lions: the African
and the Asiatic. Most of the lions in the world today are African lions.
These animals live on the grassy plains of Africa. The few Asiatic lions
that remain live on a small wildlife preserve in India. There were once
many other kinds of lions in the world but all of these are now extinct.
Lions sometimes climb high up into trees to rest on their branches and escape the biting insects below.
The body of a lion is made for catching prey. Most of the time, lions
try to get very close to their prey before they attack it. Then they make a
big leap and grab the prey. To help them get close without being seen, lions have golden-brown coats that blend in with the land around them. And
to help them leap, they have strong muscles in their legs. A lion can leap
35 feet (10.5 meters) through the air in a single jump.
Lions do most of their hunting at night, so they have wonderful hearing and eyesight to help them find prey in the dark. Their hearing is so sharp, they can hear prey that is more than a mile away. Lions can turn their ears from side to side to catch sounds coming from almost any direction. When a lion is moving through tall grass, it may not always be able to see its prey -- but it can always hear it. The eyes of lions are the biggest of any meat-eating animal. Like the eyes of other cats, they are specially made for seeing at night.
Lions often work together when they hunt. By doing this, they increase their chances of getting food. A lion that hunts alone may have a hard time catching prey.
Most of the hunting is done by a team of females. They divide the job among them, with each female doing part of the work to catch the prey. Some of the females scare prey animals and make them run -- while other females lie in ambush to grab the fleeing animals.
The extra strength of a male is sometimes needed to bring down larger animals, like wildebeest or buffalo. And larger animals are the best prey, because they provide more meat.
No matter how good a lion is at hunting, it misses more prey than it catches. Sometimes lions will go for days without eating. If lions can't find enough of their regular prey, they will eat smaller animals like hares and tortoises -- and even porcupines.
When they can, lions get their food by taking it away from other animals. This is often easier than hunting. In some parts of Africa, much of the food that lions eat is taken away from hyenas. When food is really scarce, lions will eat almost anything they can find -- including snakes, locusts, termites, peanuts, fruit, and rotten wood.
Baby lions are called cubs. And like most baby animals they need lots of loving care. A lion cub is totally helpless at birth. It is blind and can barely crawl. And it weighs less than 5 pounds (2 kg).
Cubs are born in-groups called litters. Usually, there are three cubs in a litter. But sometimes there are as many as five. For the first few weeks of their lives, the cubs stay hidden in a safe place away from the pride. Then their mother brings them out to join the "family."
In a pride, all of the females help take care of the cubs. When one mother is away hunting, the other lions feed and watch over her young. But sometimes, all of the adults join the hunt. Then the cubs are hidden in the tall grass or among the rocks.
A cub is born with dark spots all over its body. Some people think that the spots may make it harder for predators to see the cubs when they are hidden.
A mother lion carries her babies in her mouth -- just like a motherhouse cat. To keep predators from finding the cubs, she moves them to a new hiding place every few days.
Asiatic lions are endangered, and African lions have less living space than in times past. This is because people are taking away their homes, or habitats. The human population in Africa and Asia is rapidly growing, and people are turning more and more land into farms and ranches. This means that the lions have less food to eat and so it is harder for them to live.
Fortunately, wildlife organizations throughout the world are working hard to save the lions' habitats. And governments in both Africa and India have set aside special land where lions can live in safety.
Most experts agree that a lion will attack a human only if provoked.
But the experts also suggest that knowledge of the warning signs are
mandatory for anyone who travels by foot in the bush. An angry lion will
drop to a crouch, flatten its ears, and flick its tail tip rapidly from
side to side. Low grunts and growls can often be heard; and just prior to a
charge, the tail is jerked up and down. While these warning signs are
important, it is perhaps of greater importance that a lion can bolt from a
crouch and travel 40 yards in less than 2.7 seconds.
The lion is the largest of the African cats, weighing up to 200
kilograms (440 pounds). Of the big cats, only the tiger is of greater size.
The mane of a male lion is the most distinguishing characteristic of the
species, although a small percentage of lionesses also have manes. The mane
adds to the apparent size of a male lion, and it is believed that the mane
provides added protection during male-to-male combat. The mane begins to
develop at about one year of age but remains short and scraggly until the
male is three or four years old. Another physical characteristic of lions
is the tuft of long hairs at the end of the tail. This black tassel occurs
in both males and females. Often, when females have cubs or are being
courted by males, the tail tassel is carried high above the ground.
Researchers believe that this behavior allows cubs or males to maintain
visual contact with the female when she moves through dense vegetation.
Fortunately for us, it is also an excellent way for humans to maintain
visual contact.
You may have believed that African lions are the kings of the jungle.
Well, that's just not true. But the reason isn't because lions aren't the
lordly animals that you thought them to be; it's just that lions don't live
in the jungle. They live in the open savannas in Africa, which are grassy
plains with a few scattered trees.
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