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Socio-cultural domain (SCD)
Population has homogeneous socio-cultural character and differs drastically from the rest of the world. SCD's basic distinction from SCS is that growth of the SCD's population is attributed to its natural increase only, and never - to socio-cultural conversion and assimilation of other territories with their population
Socio-cultural buffer zone
As a rule, population isn't socio-culturally homogeneous. Depending on a specific historical situation, very different versions and combinations of the population socio-cultural structure may take place
Mixed socio-cultural region
As a rule, population isn't homogeneous. Depending on a specific historical situation, very different versions and combinations of the population socio-cultural structure may occur
4.5. Ability to generate migrations of population for socio-cultural transformation of other territories
Socio-cultural system (SCS)
Possesses such ability. SCS-s generate migrations of population to socio-culturally transform alien territories into homelands, naturally dependent vassals and enclaves within buffer zones. In all the SCS-s, such migrations most often happen as a result of creating "end of the World" (mass starvation, civil wars, unstable state authorities) within traditional homelands. This is the unique quality and indication of SCS
Socio-cultural domain (SCD)
Has no such ability
Socio-cultural buffer zone
Has no such ability
Mixed socio-cultural region
Has no such ability
4.6. Ability to generate migrations of population to diffuse it into other socio-cultural formations, with no purpose of the latter's transformation
Socio-cultural system (SCS)
Has no such ability. SCS-s do never possess too big numbers of population so that to force it out into new territories without historically clear and definite purposes of the latter's socio-cultural transformation
Socio-cultural domain (SCD)
Such ability can be traced down. SCD-s representatives may be diffused into various SCS-s and be present there to solve own problems, but never - to transform and assimilate other territories socio-culturally
Socio-cultural buffer zone
Such ability can be traced down. Mass migrations of the buffer zone's population into alien socio-cultural formations, and especially - into SCS-s, are possible from time to time, and are even quite regular. Such migrations become a norm during aggravation of a neighbouring SCS-s' competition to control some particular buffer zone, and may be well provoked by these SCS-s. However, migrations from buffer zones never aim to transform and assimilate other territories socio-culturally
Mixed socio-cultural region
Such ability exists. Mass migrations of the mixed region's population into alien socio-cultural formations, and especially - into SCS-s, are quite possible from time to time. Such migrations become a norm during aggravation of relations of the SCS-s that participate in a competition to control some particular mixed region, and may be well provoked by these SCS-s. Migrations from mixed regions never aim to transform and assimilate other territories socio-culturally
4.7. Ability to maintain multinational structure of population, with various languages, within own socio-cultural formation
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