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Possesses the potential ability and practical possibilities to conduct wide-scale economic sabotage actions directed against alien socio-cultural formations. Such actions may be brought about in a various specific forms
Socio-cultural domain (SCD)
Possesses the potential ability and practical possibilities to conduct economic sabotage actions aimed against other socio-cultural formations. These actions may be brought about in a various specific forms. Characteristically, scales of such activity are considerably smaller compare to those of SCS-s
Socio-cultural buffer zone
Has no such ability as well as possibilities
Mixed socio-cultural region
Has no such ability as well as possibilities
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Below, once more, is the list of the unique qualities and indications of socio-cultural systems:
Ability to assimilate the new territories into own homeland, as a rule, in regard to territories bordering with the old homeland and extended from its boundaries for any distance;
Ability to generate complicated internal structure of own space, mainly in order to protect and defend itself from other SCS-s and as a response to respective demands from the outside. This ability expresses itself in creating internal buffer zones along the borders with other SCS-s;
Complete cycle of the space socio-cultural assimilation. Researches reveal seven principal periods of socio-cultural evolution, and every period may consist of a few particular phases - subperiods and stages;
Inner logic always prevail over outer factors that are only used in case of strict correspondence with the SCS's evolution internal order. Even successful external spatial expansions are always used for own inner purposes;
Ability to create enclaves within alien regions to transform and assimilate them socio-culturally;
Ability to create naturally dependent vassals in a course of socio-cultural transformation of other territories;
Ability to conduct successive socio-cultural assimilation of alien population, by including it into own structure together with the new territories. This ability manifests itself during periods of creating own homeland and internal buffer zones;
Ability to generate migrations of population to socio-culturally transform alien territories into homelands, naturally dependent vassals and enclaves within buffer zones. In all the SCS-s, such migrations most often happen as a result of creating "end of the World" (mass starvation, civil wars, unstable state authorities) within traditional homelands;
Always possesses own world religion or its own unique version;
Ability to propagate and diffuse own version of religion outside own socio-cultural formation for the purpose of other territories transformation. SCS promotes own version of religion in a process of alien territories and population assimilation;
Ability to widen circulation of own language outside own homeland, and first of all - in the internal buffer zone and among the naturally dependent vassals. Such language begins being used as a daily mean of communications that is an important element of the process of socio-cultural assimilation of territories and population;
SCS's economy is reliable and self-sufficient. It possesses considerable internal reserves, and contacts with other socio-cultural formations do not play determining role in its development, though these contacts are important for solving internal socio-cultural problems such as the neighbouring territories' transformation and competition with alien SCS-s;
Possesses the ability to generate and invent stable original economic standards and forms which may have no analogues outside this particular SCS.
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Here is the list of the socio-cultural formations existing by the end of the XX century. They went through some evolution and are now at the different periods of their development. Morphology of the socio-cultural formations is described in detail by their space-time models.
Socio-cultural systems: Barbarian-Nomadic SCS, Black African SCS, Chinese SCS, Hindu SCS, Muslim SCS, Russian SCS, South-American SCS, Western SCS
Рекомендуем скачать другие рефераты по теме: семейные реферат, здоровый образ жизни реферат, реферат на тему україна.
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