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Socio-cultural buffer zone
Quantity of the buffer zone's population may be quite large, but, as a rule, it's never comparable to that of any taken separately SCS. It maintains definite tendency to periodically reduce the numbers of own population, at the expense of various mechanical migrations of its considerable parts
Mixed socio-cultural region
Quantity of the mixed region's population may be quite large, but, as a rule, it's not comparable to that of SCS
4.2. Ability to conduct a successive socio-cultural assimilation of alien population, by including it into own structure together with the new territories
Socio-cultural system (SCS)
Able to socio-culturally assimilate alien population successively. This ability manifests itself during periods of creating the own homeland and internal buffer zones. This is the unique quality and indication of SCS
Socio-cultural domain (SCD)
Has no such ability. SCD's population is rigidly reserved and unable to assimilate alien population in principle. Isolation from the rest of the world is a strict standard of SCD as a specific socio-cultural formation
Socio-cultural buffer zone
Has no such ability. There is no isolation as in case of SCD, but there is no assimilation of alien population either
Mixed socio-cultural region
Within mixed socio-cultural regions, assimilation of alien population and territories by various SCS-s takes place. At the developed stages of a mixed region assimilation, it ceases to exist
4.3. Ability of population to retain its qualitative specific characteristics within alien socio-cultural formations
Socio-cultural system (SCS)
SCS's population is able to preserve its specific qualities within alien socio-cultural formations
Socio-cultural domain (SCD)
SCD's population possesses strikingly expressed ability to retain own specific qualities within alien socio-cultural formations. It guarantees SCD's survival in a sporadic condition during historically considerable intervals of time
Socio-cultural buffer zone
Such ability isn't quite obvious. Usually, assimilation of the significant parts of a buffer zone's population into other socio-cultural formations takes place
Mixed socio-cultural region
Population is too diverse and heterogeneous. As a rule, it retains own qualitative characteristics, but also may be assimilated itself: everything depends on a combination of specific (historical) conditions
4.4. Extent of a socio-cultural homogeneity of the population
Socio-cultural system (SCS)
Population has homogeneous socio-cultural character. There are certain stages of its socio-cultural assimilation. There is also definite distinction between population of such types of the socio-cultural spaces as homeland, internal buffer zones and enclaves. Exceptions may appear among population inhabiting recently included into SCS territories. Existence of such non-converted (non-transformed) socio-culturally population and its territories within SCS is usually temporary and ends in a complete socio-cultural assimilation. Growth of the SCS population is attributed to natural increase as well as assimilation of new territories with all their population, with the latter's successive conversion and transformation that may last for centuries
Рекомендуем скачать другие рефераты по теме: семейные реферат, здоровый образ жизни реферат, реферат на тему україна.
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