«День Господень» в Священном Писании Ветхого и Нового Завета
Категория реферата: Рефераты по религии и мифологии
Теги реферата: мини сочинение, изложение по русскому 7 класс
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Auvray P., Leon-Dufour X. День Господень // Словарь библейского богословия. Брюссель, 1990 (и др. изд.). Ст. 269-276.
Corbon J., Grelot P. Суд. Там же. Ст. 1134-1140.
Трубецкой С.Н., кн. Эсхатология // Энциклопедический словарь (Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона). Т. ХLІ. СПб., 1904. С. 127-130.
Трубецкой С.Н. Учение о Логосе в его истории // Сочинения. М., 1994. С. 231-480.
Achtemeier P.J. An Apocalyptic Shift in Early Christian Tradition. CBQ (Catholic Biblical Quarterly, Washingtjn, DC), 1983. 45: 231-48.
Allison D.C. The End of the Ages Has Come. Philadelphia. 1985.
Baab O. The Theology of the OT. N.Y., 1949.
Bright J. The Kingdom of God. N.Y., 1955.
Brandon S.G.F. The Judgment of the Dead. N.Y., 1967.
Bultmann R., Jesus. Tüb., 1926.
Burrows. M. An Outline of Biblical Theology. Philadelphia, 1946.
Burrows M. Thy Kingdom Come. JBL (Journal of Biblical Literature), 1955. 75: 1-8.
Burrows. M. Jesus in the First Three Gospels. Nashville, 1977.
Buzzard A.F. The Coming Kingdom of the Messiah. Wyoming, MI., 1988.
Cathcart K.J. The Divine Warrior and the War of Yahweh in Nahum. Pp. 68-76 in Bablical Studies in Contemporary Thought, ed. M. Ward. Somerville, MA, 1975.
Cathcart K.J. Kingship and the ‘Day of YHWH’ in Isaiah 2, 6-22. Hermathena, 1978. 125: 48-49.
Cathcart K.J. Day of Yahweh. ABD (The Anchor Bible Dictionary). Vol. 2. NY., 1997, 1992. Pp. 84-85.
Cerny L. The Day of Yahweh and Some Relevant Problems. Praze, 1948.
Charles R.H. A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life in Israel, in Judaism, and in Christianity. London, 1913.
Conzelmann H. The Theology of St. Luke. N.Y., 1961.
Cross F.M. Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic. Cambridge, MA., 1973.
Cullmann O. Le Retour du Christ. Neuchatel, Paris, 1944.
Cullmann O. Christ and Time. Philadelphia, 1964.
Dalton W.J. Aspects of NT Eschatology. Perth, Australia,1968.
De Haan M.R. The Second Coming of Jesus. 5th ed. Grand Rapids, 1944.
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