«День Господень» в Священном Писании Ветхого и Нового Завета
Категория реферата: Рефераты по религии и мифологии
Теги реферата: мини сочинение, изложение по русскому 7 класс
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Dodd C.H. The Parables of the Kingdom. L., 1935; N.Y., 1961.
Epp E.J. Mediating Approaches to the Kingdom: Werner George Kummel and George Eldon Ladd. Pp. 35-52 in The Kingdom of God in 20th-Century Interpretation, ed. W.Willis. Peabody, MA., 1987.
Everson A.J. The Days of Yahweh. JBL (Journal of Biblical Literature), 1974. 93: 329-37.
Fairhurst A.M. The Problem Posed by the Severe Sayings Attributed to Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels. SJT (Scottish Journal of Theology, Edinburgh), 1970. 23: 77-91. 1970.
Fensham F.C. A Possible Origin of the Concept of the Day of the Lord. Pp. 90-97 in Biblical Essays 1966. Potchefstroom, 1967.
Gaster T.H. Myth, legend, and Gustom in the OT. Vol. 2. Gloucester, MA., 1981.
Glasson T.F. The Last Judgment in Rev. 20 and Related Writings. NTS (New Testament Studies, Cambridge, MA), 1982. 28: 528-39. 1982.
Grey J. The Day of Yahweh in Cultic Experience and Eschatological Prospect. SEE (Svensk Exegetisk Ersbok), 1974. 39: 5-37. 1974.
Gressmann H. Der Ursprung der israelitisch-judischen Eschatologie. Guttingen, 1905.
Hanson P.D. The Dawn of Apocalyptic. Philadelphia, 1975.
Heschel A.J. The Prophets. N.Y., 1962.
Hiers R.H. The Kingdom of God in the Synoptic Tradition. Gainesville, Fl., 1970. Repr. Ann Arbor, MI., 1979.
Hiers R.H. The Problem of the Delay of the Parousia in Luke-Acts. NTS (New Testament Studies, Cambridge, MA), 1973. 34: 238-49.
Hiers R.H. The Historical Jesus and the Kingdom of God. Gainesville, FL. !973.
Hiers R.H. Jesus and the Future. Atlanta. 1981.
Hiers R.H. Reading the Bible Book by Book. Philadelphia, 1988.
Hiers R.H. Day of Christ. ABD (The Anchor Bible Dictionary). Vol. 2. N.Y. 1997, 1992. Pp. 76-79.
Hiers R.H. Day of Judgment. ABD (The Anchor Bible Dictionary). Vol. 2. N.Y. 1997, 1992. Pp. 79-81.
Hiers R.H. Day of the Lord. ABD (The Anchor Bible Dictionary). Vol. 2. N.Y. 1997, 1992. Pp. 82-83.
Hoffmann Y. The Day of the Lord as a Concept and a Term in the Prothetic Literature. ZAW (Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenscchaft). Berlin, 1981. 93: 37-50.
Hooker M.D. The Son of Man in Mark. Montreal. 1967.
Jacob E. Theology of the OT. N.Y., 1958.
Jeremias J. The Parables of Jesus. N.Y., 1963.
Jeremias J. New Testament Theology. N.Y., 1971.
Kasemann E. An Apology for Primitive Christian Eschatology. Pp.169-95 in Essays on NT Themes. SBT (Studies in Biblical Theology) 41. London, 1964.
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