«День Господень» в Священном Писании Ветхого и Нового Завета
Категория реферата: Рефераты по религии и мифологии
Теги реферата: мини сочинение, изложение по русскому 7 класс
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Kasemann E. On the Subject of Primitive Christian Apocalyptic. Pp. 108-37 in NT Questions of Today. Philadelphia, 1969.
Koch K. The Rediscovery of Apocalyptic. SBT (Studies in Biblical Theology) 2d ser. 22. London, 1972.
Kümmel W.G. Promise and Fulfilment. SBT (Studies in Biblical Theology) 23. London, 1957.
Manson T.W. The Teaching of Jesus. Cambridge, 1951.
Mattill A.J. Luke and the Last Things. Dillsboro, NC., 1979.
Milikowsky C. Which Gehenna? Retribution and Eschatology in the Synoptic Gospels and in Early Jewish Texts. NTS (New Testament Studies, Cambridge, MA), 1988. 34: 238-49.
Miller P.D. The Divine Warrior in Early Israel. HSM (Harvard Semitik Monographs) 5. Cambridge, MA.1973.
Minear P.S. Christian Hope and the Second Coming. Philadelphia, 1954.
Minear P.S. New Testament Apocalyptic. Nashville, 1981.
Mowinckel S. Tronstigningssalmerne og Jahwes tonstigningsfest. Norsk teologi til reformationsjubileet. Spesialhefte til NTT (Nieuw theologisch Tijdschrift) 13-79. 1917.
Mowinckel S. Psalmenstudien II. Kristiania, 1922.
Mowinckel S. He That Cometh. N.Y., 1961.
Muilenburg J. The Way of Israel. N.Y., 1961.
Perrin N. The Kingdom of God in the Teaching of Jesus. Philadelphia, 1963.
Perrin N. The New Testament. N.Y., 1974.
Perrin N. Jesus and the Language of the Kingdom. Philadelphia, 1976.
Rad G. von. The Origin of the Day of Yahweh. JSS (Journal of Semitic Studies, Manchester), 1959. 4: 97-108.
Robinson H.W. Inspiration and Revelation in the OT. Oxford, 1946.
Robinson J.A.T. Jesus and His Coming. N.Y., 1957.
Sauer V.J. The Eschatology Handbook. Atlanta, 1981.
Schmithals W. The Apocalyptic Movement. Nashville, 1975.
Schunck K.D. Der ‘Tag Jahwes’ in der Verkendigung der Propheten. Kairos 11: 14-21. 1969.
Schweitzer A. Geschichte der Leben-Jesu-Forschung. Tüb., 1913.
Smith J.M.P. The Day of Yahweh. AJT (American Journal of Theology), 1901. 4: 505-33.
Sullivan C.S. Rethinking Realized Eschatology. Macon, GA., 1988.
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