Терминология и используемые концепции english
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1.1. Relatively large areas of permanent inhabitancy
Socio-cultural system (SCS)
Always possesses and controls significant territories
Socio-cultural domain (SCD)
Never comparable to the SCS' space. As a rule, it's much less than the territory of any taken separately SCS, and may be quite insignificant
Socio-cultural buffer zone
Never comparable with the SCS' space. As a rule, it's much less than the territory of any taken separately SCS, and as the neighbouring socio-cultural systems progress, decreases to a certain modest size
Mixed socio-cultural region
May possess quite large initial area, but demonstrates persistent tendency to its gradual reduction, due to various parts of the territory assimilation into and by other socio-cultural formations - socio-cultural systems and domains
1.2. Homeland where significant quantities of its population live permanently
Socio-cultural system (SCS)
Always has own homeland where significant part of its population lives continually
Socio-cultural domain (SCD)
In accordance with this particular criterion, there are two types of socio-cultural domains:
* Stable SCD, with permanent homeland and permanent population;
* Sporadic SCD, with homeland where its population may be absent for centuries
Socio-cultural buffer zone
Homeland exists, but it's extremely changeable in configuration and size, and unstable. Its fluctuations depend mainly on external factors, such as pressure from the side of a neighbouring SCS-s. Furthermore, homeland cannot be defined absolutely exactly within an entire area of inhabitancy and control of this particular socio-cultural type's population as a whole
Mixed socio-cultural region
Homeland has no definite, precise character. At the developed stage, micro-differences of the neighbouring socio-cultural enclaves' homelands may take place. Representatives of the various socio-cultural systems and domains have own homelands within the mixed region
1.3. Ability to expand the homeland, through assimilation into it new territories
Socio-cultural system (SCS)
Рекомендуем скачать другие рефераты по теме: семейные реферат, здоровый образ жизни реферат, реферат на тему україна.
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