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Has the ability to assimilate the new territories into own homeland, as a rule, in regard to territories bordering with the old homeland and extended from its boundaries for any distance. This ability is the unique quality and indication of SCS
Socio-cultural domain (SCD)
Has no such ability. Only temporary changes of the space under control may take place. In practice, homeland never changes to grow
Socio-cultural buffer zone
Has no such ability. Homeland may hardly be defined from an entire area of permanent inhabitancy of the particular socio-cultural buffer zone's population and its temporary control. Homeland never grows as a result of new territories assimilation
Mixed socio-cultural region
Socio-cultural systems' homelands expand to a considerable degree at the expense of transformation of the mixed socio-cultural regions' spaces. Population of the mixed socio-cultural regions themselves does not reveal any tendencies to expand their homeland(-s)
1.4. Ability to generate complicated internal structure of own socio-cultural space, as a response to demands from the outside (existence of an internal buffer zones)
Socio-cultural system (SCS)
Has the ability to generate complicated internal structure of own space, mainly in order to protect and defend itself from other SCS-s and as a response to respective demands from the outside. This ability expresses itself in creating internal buffer zones along the borders with other SCS-s and external buffer zones. This is the unique quality and indication of SCS
Socio-cultural domain (SCD)
Has no ability to generate complicated internal structure of own space. It is homogeneous because of its insignificant size and absence of systematic work with own space as well as neighbouring territories during historically considerable intervals of time
Socio-cultural buffer zone
Has no ability to generate complicated internal structure of own space. The latter is extremely unstable and changeable in configuration and size, and depends on outer factors, in particular, state / conditions and conflicts of the neighbouring SCS-s
Mixed socio-cultural region
Has no ability to generate complicated internal structure of own space. The latter is extremely unstable and changeable in configuration and size, and depends on outer factors, in particular, state / conditions and conflicts of the neighbouring SCS-s
1.5. Ability to generate civilisations as a form of the own territory sporadic colonisation and assimilation, at the early stages of evolution
Socio-cultural system (SCS)
Does have such ability. In the early periods of evolution, SCS-s may produce isolated civilisations. Later on, as SCS develops and evolves, it absorbs these civilisations into itself. Generating civilisations is a unique, but, none the less, not obligatory quality and indication of the SCS: it depends on a specific (regional) conditions of a historical process
Socio-cultural domain (SCD)
Unable to generate civilisations. In spite of their whatever great age and antiquity, SCD-s do not invent such forms of the territories' colonisation / assimilation
Socio-cultural buffer zone
Unable to generate civilisations
Mixed socio-cultural region
Unable to generate civilisations
Рекомендуем скачать другие рефераты по теме: семейные реферат, здоровый образ жизни реферат, реферат на тему україна.
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